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Rm's thoughts are all over the place and didn't realize that bogum had passed out. He quickly turns off the shocker and leaves the room.

Jimin walks over. "Did he say where yoongi Hyung was?"

"He said something about a park so I'm thinking we should check his house first." He still trying to gather his thoughts." Take everyone it could be a trap."

"You're not coming?" Jimin tilts his head worried about him as he sees him on the verge of going crazy. "No I'm going to stay behind" He looks over at the room he just came from.

"Okay whatever you say, boss." He motions for the rest of the members to follow and they all leave in there cars like little kids racing. RM smiles.

The wind rushes through my hair sending shivers down my spine. How did we get so fucked up?


"Hey, little kid!"

I run down the dark alley as fast as I can but am only left with a dead end. My heart is beating fast trying to find a place to hide. Or defend myself with.

"Did you really think you can get away from us?" The kids laugh.

I try to run past them but they push me down to the ground and start beating me. Why me?. "Hey!" The kids stop and face a bigger kid with tattoos "who do you think you are." He pushes all the kids away and helps me up.

"What I know from the streets you're a wimp if that's how you fight." He rubs his nose." Three vs one. What fucking cowards you are. Scared to fight him one on one leave before i kill you all."

They all run away.

"Why don't you defend yourself kid." He crosses his arm showing his muscles.

"I was." I brush myself off. "When?" He smiles a gummy smile giving me comfort. "I can show you how to defend yourself. But there's a catch?" I lift my eyebrow. "What?" He goes close to my ear and whispers "You have to work for him." I follow his gaze and see the most known mafia boss in the world Kim Namjoon AKA RM.

"Deal." I don't hesitate.

"By the way kid, what's your name?" He puts his arm around my shoulder and walks me closer to RM.

"Jimin. Yours?"


*Flashback ends*

We all drive up to bogum's house. I gather up the group. "Okay, this is what RM told me he said that bogum told him something about a park but we're checking his house first, but we don't know if it's a trap. So I and j-hope will go first. Jin and tae follow jungkook your last so make sure no one is following us.

Hoseok steps forward."Remember what you here for. You spot something to call it out. We need all eyes everywhere. This could be a setup."

I watch as he starts opening his eyes squinting and trying so hard to lift his head. "What did you do to me?" I laugh. "My job."

"You really don't give up don't you" he tries to move free but fails as his feet and arms are tied. "I never do." I get up from my chair. And hand him a file. "You have a beautiful family. Being close friends it such a shame you had to hide it from us."

"You wouldn't dare." He grits his teeth. "Oh but I would." I sit back down. " You have a beautiful daughter and wife who i think might be expecting another child. Bogum becomes shocked "she's pregnant?" He began to crumble. "You wouldn't hurt them." I smile at that answer. "But what if i said they could join us. Roll the clip." Out comes a tv from the ceiling showing a live. His wife is tied up along with the daughter.
"Mommy I'm scared what's happening." The little girl sobs. "Please bogumie please just tell them the truth save us. Plea-"

I shut off the tv. "What do you want from me?"

"Finally, i thought you would never ask.
I want the truth." He shuffles and looks as if he's about to cry. "I did i told you where he was."

"I don't believe you." He looks up at me with disbelief. "Why would you betray us. And leave us as if we're were nothing but random strangers."

"I don't know." I then get an unexpected call and i leave the room.

"Namjoon you won't believe what we found in the basement."

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