Pilot [3]

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A web browser was open to the archive search page for the Jericho Herald. The words Female Murder Hitchhiking were typed into the search box. Dean clicked Go; the screen told him there were (0) Results. Dean replaced Hitchhiking with Centennial Highway with the same response.

Sam was sitting next to Dean, watching. "Let me try," He suggested.

Dean smacked Sam's hand "I got it,"

Dean's chair was shoved out of the way.


Sam looked at Dean confused as he hit him on the shoulder.

"You're such a control freak,"

Sam shook it off and went to the computer "So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?"


"Well, maybe it's not murder," Sam replaced Murder with Suicide and found an article entitled Suicide on Centennial.

Dean glanced at Sam.

Sam opened the article, dated April 25, 1981. "This was 1981." He explained "Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river," Sam showed Dean a picture of Constance.

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asked.



"An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Apparently, her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die,"

Dean raised his eyebrows "Hm,"

The article had a picture of Joseph next to a picture of Sylvania Bridge.

"Does the bridge look familiar to you?"


Dean and Sam walked along the bridge, then stopped to lean on the railing and look down at the river.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive," Dean said.

"So, you think Dad would have been here?" Sam asked as he looked over at Dean.

"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him," Dean continued walking.

Sam following. "Okay, so now what?"

"Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while,"

Sam stopped "Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday..."

Dean turned around "Monday. Right. The interview,"


"Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? Do you think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?"

"Maybe. Why not?"

"Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?"

Sam stepped closer "No, and she's not ever going to know,"

"Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are," Dean turned around and kept walking.

Sam followed. "And who's that?"

"You're one of us,"

Sam hurried to get in front of Dean "No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life,"

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