Dead in the Water [5]

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 "Are you sure about this?" Sam asked Dean as they approached the door "It's pretty late, man,"

Before Dean could ring the doorbell, the door opened and Rae appeared.

"Took you long enough," Rae muttered.

Lucas ran towards the trio panting in fright.

"Lucas? Lucas!" Dean asked as he knelt down to the boy's level.

Lucas booked it back upstairs.


The brothers followed after the boy.

Water poured from the bathroom.

"Andrea?!" Dean called out as he tried the door but it was locked. "Rae, a little help..."

Rae took a hold of Lucas's shoulder and looked at Dean "Go do your job, I've got him,"

Dean moved to help Sam pull Andrea from the bathtub, but something kept pulling back.

Andrea was finally free from the bath and began coughing up water.


"What can you tell me?" Sam asked Andrea, once they were sitting in the living room.

"No," Andrea said.

As Sam and Andrea talked, Dean was in the other room looking through books.

"It doesn't make any sense." Andrea continued as she began to cry "I'm going crazy,"

"No, you're not," Sam assured. "Tell me what happened...everything,"

"I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice,"

"What did it say?"

"It said, 'Come play with me'," Andrea sobbed "What's happening?"

Dean walked into the room with an old yearbook and showed a page to Andrea "Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?"

"What?" Andrea asked confused. "Um, no, I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about 12 in these pictures,"

"Christ Bar's drowning...the connection wasn't to Bill Carlton." Dean realized "It must have been to the sheriff,"

"Bill and the sheriff...they were both involved with Peter," Sam noted.

"What about Chris? My dad...what are you talking about?" Andrea gasped causing the boys to look where she was looking.

Rae was looking out the window.

"Rae?" Dean asked, "Rae, what is it?"

She ignored Dean's question and flickered away.

"What was that?" Andrea voiced.

Lucas walked by the trio and outside.

"Lucas?!" Andrea called out.

The group followed after the young boy.

"Lucas, honey?" Andrea asked.

The young boy joined Rae in the woods, the duo looking down at the ground.

"You and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" Dean told Andrea.

Andrea grabbed Lucas's hand and dragged him back inside.

"Rae there better not be a body down there," Dean sighed only to find that once again her spirit had disappeared.


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