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Sam was wearing a suit and tie and carrying a bouquet of various flowers excluding roses, walking through an otherwise deserted cemetery. He sighed and stopped next to a gravestone.

The gravestone read Jessica Lee Moore, Beloved Daughter, January 24th 1984 - November 2nd 2005. There was a small picture of a grinning Jess set into the stone above her name, a black-and-white picture of her leaning against the stone between a white teddy bear and a wooden box with a crucifix leaning on the picture, a small American flag next to the box, and three candles stood on the gravestone; one was of the Virgin de Guadalupe.

Sam looked between the gravestone and the flowers "I, uh..." he laughed "You always said roses were, were lame, so I brought you, uh..." he looked at the picture set in the gravestone, then looked away, choking back tears. Sam stepped closer to the gravestone. "Jess...oh God..." He kneeled to set down the flowers "I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth." Sam leaned the flowers in front of the crucifix.

An arm covered in dirt shot out of the ground and grabbed Sam by the wrist.

Sam jerked awake, he was riding shotgun next to Dean and the cemetery visit was days behind them. Sam blinked and rubbed his eyes.

Dean looked over, concerned "You okay?"

Sam glanced over and away "Yeah, I'm fine,"

Dean nodded "Another nightmare?"

Sam cleared his throat.

"You wanna drive for a while?" Dean's question caused Sam to laugh.

"Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that," Sam pointed out.

"Just thought you might want to." Dean shrugged "Never mind,"

"Look, man, you're worried about me. I get it and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay,"


Sam grabbed a map "All right, where are we?"

"We are just outside of Grand Junction,"

Sam folded down the map, which was of Colorado and had a large red X labeled 35-111. "You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon,"

"Sam," Dean sighed "we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica..."

"We gotta find Dad first," Sam finished.

"Dad disappearing...and this thing showing up again after twenty years, it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do,"

"It's weird, man. These coordinates he left us. This Blackwater Ridge,"

"What about it?"

"There's nothing there. It's just woods," Sam explained as he put down the map "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?"


"So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote," Sam noted as he looked at a 3D map of the national forest, paying particular attention to the ridge labeled Blackwater Ridge.

Dean looked at the decorations inside the Ranger Station.

"It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place.

"Dude, check out the size of this freaking bear," Dean said causing Sam to look over. Dean was looking at a framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear.

Sam came to stand next to Dean. "And a dozen more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure,"

A forest ranger, Ranger Wilkinson, walked up behind the boys; when the Ranger spoke, Dean and Sam whipped around, startled. "You boys aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?"

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