Chapter Two

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Hi all,

I recommend watching the video before reading the text, because I am horrible at describing things.

Many thanks,

"He doesn't just have magic." Gaius said. Merlin stood, looking out at the Lake of Avalon. "There are those who say, he's the Greatest Sorcerer ever to walk the Earth."

The woman paused the video, expecting an uproar. However, it was silent. Everyone was sat there in shock, but the silence was quickly broken by Gwaine's chuckling. When everyone stared at him, he put his hands up in defence.

"Oh, come on. It's so obvious. I mean, of course Merlin has magic. All those tree branches, stray arrows, and soldiers randomly dropping their swords in the middle of fights. How did none of us ever notice?"

"Arthur?" Gwen asked softly. Arthur was still staring at the screen, as if he was in a trance.

"He lied to me, all this time. I thought he was my friend."

"He is your friend, sire." Gaius insisted.

"How can he be my friend?! He is a sorcerer, the definition of evil. Merlin has betrayed us, he betrayed me." This made Gwaine's chuckling stop, and the room went silent. Gaius suddenly bolted from his seat, and marched up to Arthur.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare! He has done nothing but help you, since the day he arrived in Camelot. Even though, at the time, he thought you an arrogant, idiotic ass. Which he thinks you have grown out of, but now I beg to differ!" He shouted.

"He has done so much for you. Put his life on the line, day after day, without you even knowing it. He has sacrificed everything he loves so that he could protect you. And I have not sat every day and watched him suffer in silence for you to call him a traitor!" Gaius continued. Gwaine went to stand protectively over him, signaling his support for Merlin.

"Gaius! I am your king! You cannot treat me like this!" Arthur shouted back.

"No you are not! I watched you grow up Arthur Pendragon, and I have always respected you. But if you do this, you will no longer be my king. You will no longer be my friend." Arthur had a hurt look on his face, but it became worse when Percival and Mordred went to stand by Gaius and Gwaine.

"Think about this, Arthur." Gwen said softly. However, it didn't stop another heartbroken look to spread across Arthur's face. "Merlin is my best friend. Your best friend. If you do this, you will lose him forever. You will lose... me. Because I won't abandon him, and I know you won't either." Arthur was silent for a while, thinking over what Gaius and Gwen had said. The room was tense, but eventually Arthur sat back in his seat, and gestured for the woman to continue. The others rushed to sit down as well, not wanting to miss a moment.

Merlin examined Excalibur, as someone else began to talk.

"Without you, Arthur will never succeed. Without you, there will be no Albion." The Great Dragon flew across the Lake of Avalon.

"Who's talking?" Leon asked.

"The Great Dragon. Or, as Merlin knows him, Kilgarah." Gaius explianed.

"How can it be flying over that lake? I killed it." Arthur asked.

"I'm sorry Arthur, but you did not. Merlin stopped him, and forbade him ever to return to Camelot."

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