Chapter Eight

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"Merlin, if I die, please..." Arthur said, as Merlin put on his armour.

"What?" Merlin asked. Merlin was sat with his head leant against the wall, as Arthur opened the door behind him. "It's my destiny, as it has been since the day we met." Merlin said, as Arthur was slumped against a tree.

"Why did you never tell me?" Arthur asked.

"He must care for you a great deal." Mithian said.

"I wanted to but." Merlin started.

"Why does a lowly servant continue to risk everything for Arthur?" Morgause asked, as Merlin tended to Arthur when he was ill.

"Because, their best friends, mate." Gwaine shouted at the screen, making the others chuckle.

"Why do you care so much? The boy is just a servant." Uther asked.

Nobody said a word, not wanting to go against Uther, especially with Arthur in the room. However, the King surprised all of them by scowling at the screen.

"He's here for you!" Hunith told Merlin.

"I'm just his servant." He replied.

This made everyone scowl at the screen now, none of them liking how low Merlin's opinion of himself was.

"Whatever happens." Arthur began, but Merlin shushed him.

"It's going to be fine." Merlin assured him.

"I know I'm a prince, so we can't be friends." Merlin turned over in bed, as Arthur spoke to him. They looked at each other, and Merlin smiled. "But if I wasn't a prince?"


"Well, then..."

"I always thought if things had been different we would have been good friends." Merlin finished for him, in another scene. Arthur looked out of his tent at Merlin laughing with the knights.

"Yeah." Arthur agreed.

Arthur gave Gwaine a stern look, and Gwaine held his hands up in surrender, but that didn't stop the smirk on his face.

"Take me with you, please." Merlin begged, from on top of a horse. His face was sickly pale, and his eyes were glassy.

Gwen, Gaius and Mordred gasped, having not seen Merlin like this. The rest of the Knights all looked away from the screen, not wanting to remember when they found Merlin like that.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asked, as Merlin picked up a sword.

"I'm coming with you." He replied, without hesitation. "I have to come with you." He begged.

"Merlin." Arthur scolded, as he tied him to the horse. "I'm glad you're here, Merlin." He admitted. "Merlin! Where have you been? Where have you been?" He repeated, holding onto Merlin, clearly in pain.

Gwen looked away from the screen, not wanting to see her husband like that. Arthur put a comforting hand on her shoulder, reminding her that this was the future, and they could change it.

"Ju- just, just hold me." Arthur said, as Merlin struggled to lift him up.

Many people were looking away from the screen now, some more subtly than others. Gwen was quietly crying into Arthur's shoulder, Elyan was looking at his sister in worry. Mordred stared at the floor, feeling guilty for something he hadn't done yet. Gaius looked over at Arthur, whom he had watched grow into a King, reassuring himself that he was still there. Gwaine swallowed the feeling in his stomach, trying to be brave, as did Percival. Leon watched the screen, with a tear slipping down his cheek, having known Arthur the longest (other than Gaius). Arthur couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen, not wanting to miss a moment.

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