Chapter Five

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Just a note before I start this chapter, this video is set out a little differently to the others. So here is a key, because I'm a nerd.


Words and lyrics.


Sometimes... the prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets.

Merlin smiles down at Arthur, then his eyes flash gold, and fire burns in his hand.

The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears.

Merlin is seen crying.

Arthur kept his eyes on the screen, not daring to look away from the sight of his best friend crying. Gwen noticed this and touched his shoulder gently, but he just brushed her off.

And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

Merlin is hugging his mother and then laying Freya's body down while crying.

"Who's that?" Percival asked Gaius, trying to distract everybody from the heart-breaking scene.

"I don't know." He said, and this made everyone even more concerned, because if Merlin didn't tell Gaius then it must have been serious.

Merlin frantically wipes his eyes.

Hello. Hello. Anybody out there.

Merlin runs through the corridors, and into Arthur's room, Then he is leaning on the wall and breathing heavily. 

Gwen grabbed onto Arthur's arm for, not only his comfort, but hers too. It was hard for both of them to see Merlin like this. When they saw Merlin breathing heavily against wall, they all came to the same conclusion. merlin wasn't just a powerful hero, but he was also a tired soldier, desperately trying to fulfil his destiny. 

Cause I don't hear a sound.

Merlin is crying in bed.

Alone. Alone. I don't really know where the world is, but I'm missing out.

Merlin is standing with the rain pouring down on him, and then he is looking frantically around the forest.

I'm out on the edge, and I'm screaming my name, like a fool at the top of my lungs.

Merlin is holding an unconscious Gaius, and screaming up t the sky.

Everyone, except Gaius, gasped, and they all turned to him.

This is in the future, we can change it, right?" Elyan asked.

"I'm afraid, that it has already happened, sir. But, Merlin was able to save me." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as he said this, and turned back to the screen.

And sometimes when I close my eyes, I pretend I'm alright. But it's never enough.

Merlin is sat against a wall, and then he is talking to someone, whilst giving a fake smile.

Nobody spoke as they saw that smile, because it reminded them of how many times they had seen and believed it, but now they knew it wasn't real.

Cause my echo, echo, is only the voice coming back. Shadow, shadow is the only friend that I had.

Merlin's SufferingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora