• Chapter 1: Chicken and Waffles •

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Author's note:
Hello everyone, this is my first story so I'm sorry if it isn't the best. Hopefully you'll enjoy!


It's been three years since Coraline met face to face with the Beldam, but she consistently has had nightmares of her since she crawled through that small door, and they haven't been going away.

Coraline jerked awake to the sound of the branches of the tree outside scrapping against her window.  She let out a breathe thinking back on her nightmare. Why was every nightmare always the same??

It always started with Coraline sleeping in bed and hearing a loud banging coming from the small door. She would lose control of herself and her body would automatically walk to the well.

Coraline would open the well lid and she would bend over and hear a soft voice coming from inside that grew louder and louder the closer she bent down. Every time, she would bend down too far and fall down with the sound of the other mother repeatedly saying he name whilst she was falling. Her dream always ended when she was about to hit the bottom.

Coraline checked the time to see it was around 8 a.m. and she figured sleep wouldn't come back to her. She solemnly got out of bed and went to her closet to look for clothes. She was looking through the few options when her eyes landed on the star shirt the other mother gave her. Why did she keep that thing?

Coraline shuddered as she tossed it aside and instead pulled out a yellow shirt and a pair of ripped jean shorts. She quickly got dressed and headed downstairs for the kitchen to see if there was anything. As usual, her mom was busy working on her computer so Coraline didn't try to pester her with talking and what not.

She looked in the fridge to see nothing there, like usual, and began to make her way out of the house. "Might as well try to go get some food." She muttered to herself gloomily. Just as she stepped out of the house, Wybie had parked his bike in the front.

"Oh! Hey Jonesy! I was about to come by and ask if you wanted to grab breakfast with me?" Coraline's heart skipped a beat. "I was actually just heading to get get food, but it would be fun to go with you instead, so why not?"

Wybie grinned and Coraline got on the back of his bike. Wybie handed her an extra helmet and put his feet on the gas before Coraline fully adjusted, causing her to yelp while quickly wrapping her arms around his waist to not fall off.

Coraline normally would have been red with embarrassment but she didn't really pay attention to the romantic feeling at them time, but Wybie certainly did.

You see, Coraline wasn't the only one that had developed feelings over the years, Wybie had feelings for her as well. He was still trying to grow out of that awkward stage and get to the point where he could confess his feelings to her but he had quite a ways to go... at least that's what he thinks.

They zipped down the pathway and made it into town within 15 minutes. Not bad for riding a bike. Wybie stopped the bike in front of a restaurant called "Sweet Chicken and Waffles" and if you haven't guessed it by now, they sell chicken and waffles.

They got off the bike and made their way inside and sat at the bar counter. Wybie ordered a large plate for them to share. "So, Jonesy, ready for the school year?" Coraline sighed, she did NOT like school as most kids their age.

"Meh, not really. I know you certainly are though by the looks of it." Wybie tended to be founder of school since he can't really go anywhere besides a few places nearby. I guess you could say for Wybie it was newer grounds and much better than being cooped up at his grandma's all day.

Wybie nodded in response while the waiter brought them their fresh chicken and waffles. They both smelled the air and let out a satisfying sigh and began to dig in. Wybie took his knife and put butter on it to put on the waffles but he accidentally dropped it causing him and Coraline to reach down for it. They bumped their heads in the process and both sat up.

"Ouch" they groaned. Coraline started laughing and Wybie looked at her with a confused look. "Hey Wybie? You have something on your face." He took his hand and touched his cheek to feel butter smeared across his face.

He sighed in aggravation sending Coraline into hysterical laughter. Wybie dramatically sighed and quickly smeared some of the butter on Coraline's nose.

"Hey!" Coraline yelled out in surprise. Wybie and Coraline began laughing at each other and moved on to finish their food. After the food was done, Coraline stood up and thanked Wybie heading towards the door to leave. She reached for the door knob when Wybie suddenly got up and grabbed her arm gently.

"Hey, uh, Jonsey?" She looked down for a split second at him holding her arm but quickly readjusted and locked eyes with him. "Wanna go to the garden store to see if they have any new seeds?"

She smiled brightly and nodded vigorously as Wybie escorted her out and they walked downtown to the garden store observing the different plant seeds to buy.


They arrived back a few hours later with their seeds and immediately went to work, adding them to the now beautiful garden. It almost looked as good as the Beldam's did.

The Pink Palace has changed a lot. It has a fresh coat of paint now and the gardens around it are stunning to look at. Wybie's grandma has also aloud him to be able to come to the Pink Palace now since the door to the other world has been sealed shut by new wallpaper and the key is gone.

When they finished, Coraline dusted off her hands and stood up. "Great work today Wybie, I'll see you later I suppose. She began walking away when Wybie stopped her. "Hey Coraline? Do you want to hang out tonight? Like a sleepover? I know it's kinda kiddish, but since this is the last weekend before school starts..."

She quickly interrupted his train of thought, "Sure! Let's camp out in the yard like old times!!" Wybie nodded in agreement and waved goodbye to her as they both finished out their day and got ready for the sleepover.


Author's note:
Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying this so far! I plan to update a chapter a week so make sure to stay alert! Have a good one!

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