• Chapter 6: Together •

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I flopped onto the ground when I finally got back from the lake. That was the longest walk of my life! After the area froze, the waters did as well which made me able to walk across. I grabbed the necklace and examined it in the moon light. "That's odd..."

I watched as it cast a small ray of light in the direction that lead back to the house. My eyes widened. I think I know where he is. I got up and raced as fast as I could.

I looked up at the moon to see it close to being fully covered by the button. I ran inside as soon as my feet touched the wooden floor of the porch. He has to be here.

I made my way into the mirror the Beldam had shoved me in originally and came to a halt when I saw he wasn't there. "But... how is this possible!?" I shouted to myself, just then, I heard a snicker from the other side.

"Did you really think I'd give you a chance to win again?!" The Beldam spat from the other side. I slapped myself. Of course it was a trap!! I yelled and pounded on the mirror. "Let me out!" The Beldam kept on laughing.

"Looks like the fly fell into the spider's trap." I pounded and pounded on the door repeatedly murmuring for her to let me out, but she stopped interacting with me and it became dead silent except for my harsh breathing and my sobs seeping out.

I sat on the ground and cried feeling miserable. Why did I let this happen? I have to think of a way out to find him. I wiped my tears and began thinking of a way to escape and how I could possibly find Wybie when I noticed something. I looked at the old rickety bed and saw how there was something lumped inside the blanket.

I had been to busy screaming and sobbing to notice apparently. I carefully crept over and whipped the sheet off to reveal a key with a note attached to it!? I opened up the note hastily.


If you've found this note by now it's too late. I don't know if either of us will make it out alive so I must tell you something... ever since the day we met... I fell in love with you. I know this may sound cheesy or cliché but it's true. When you escape from here, don't regret losing me, just remember the good times we had. Please move on for me and if you ever miss me, just remember I'll always be in your heart. I love you, Jonsey.

Wybie Lovat

My heart sank and my mouth ran dry. I felt anger and sadness overwhelm me as I sank to the ground and let out a cry. "Why?" I muttered to myself. "Why Wybie?! Why would you leave me?" I sobbed and cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore tears. Had I really lost him?

I looked down at the key in my hand and thought. There is no way I'm leaving this place without him, I don't care what he says. I went over to the mirror and tapped around feeling for any small place to put the key.

My hand stopped when I felt a small hole that was the right size for the key. I clicked it into place and quietly crept out of the mirror. I placed the key inside my bag just in case.

I thought to myself of where Wybie could be when I heard cries and snickers from the other room. I quietly crept over and peered to see the Beldam had Wybie tied to a chair. I looked more carefully at the Beldam and saw she had buttons and a needle in her hand.

Wybie screamed in terror as she edged closer to him with an evil grin. There is no way I'm letting this happen. I reached into my back and pulled out my pocket knife. I quietly crept behind her and whisked off her button eyes.

The Beldam let out a scream as I ran over and untied Wybie. "Jonsey, why!?" Wybie whispered yelled. "I can't leave you Wybie, I just can't." He let out a sigh and flung his chair at the Beldam causing her to crash.

"Where did you go-" before I could finish asking Wybie he interrupted me by grabbing my hand and running. We ran as far as we could and Wybie dove with me into a bush.

I stared at him with widened eyes waiting for an explanation. "Okay Jonsey, you probably have a lot of questions right now." I stood up. "Yeah?! How did she get you!?-" Wybie shushed me and brought me back down.

"I'm trying to buy us time, ok? Listen. When we entered the world I was with you but once we came to the house and you walked inside, she had one of her helpers take me and replace me with a fake Wybie. The helper forced me to write a note of where to "find me" and then he hide me in another of the Beldam's secret rooms. I escaped it and grabbed the key to the mirror room cause I had overheard the Beldam's plans of what she was going to do to you and I knew if I gave you the key, you could escape and..."

Before he could finish I had put my lips to his. Wybie's eyes widened and he deepened the kiss happily. I could feel my heart pounding but I didn't care at the moment. I was just glad I have my Wybie back.

I let go and started to cry softly. "Wybie you scared me half to death... don't ever do that again..." He pulled me into a hug and patted my back to reassure me. "I promise." He whispered into my ear.

I wiped my eyes and stared into his. For a second, I didn't see the little nerdy boy I met years ago... all I saw was the boy I've been looking for all my life.

We pulled into a hug and stopped when we heard the front door of the Pink Palace slam open. "We don't have much time, we need a plan." Wybie stated.

I nodded and we began to discuss what we would do. When the plans were done, we got up and began to make our way towards the Beldam.

"Together?" Wybie asked with his fist out. I nodded my head. "Together." I said finishing the  bump.


Author's note:
Hey guys!! Sorry this took so long to come out!! As you can tell the story is almost done and I wanted to thank you for the support. Hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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