• Chapter 5: Two Down, One to Go •

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I walked towards the garden with Charlie remembering the place where I had found the first ghost children's eye... only this time I didn't have anything to help me find the object.

I walked around the garden looking for any clues but found none, that is until I saw the greenhouse door propped open. I exchanged a glance with Charlie as we made our way steadily towards the greenhouse taking as much caution as we could.

The greenhouse had been rusted inside and out and it wasn't opened all the way so I slowly grasped the handle and pushed it open letting out a small creek. I glanced around the inside to see a bunch of miscellaneous items everywhere but what catches my eye is a large sheet hung on top of some big object.

I carefully walk over to it and whipped the sheet off to reveal the Mantis Mobile that the other father had been on. I traced my hand on the handlebars and that's when it hit me. Maybe this is how I find the items.

I slide onto the seat and glanced at all the levers and began to try to determine which one will let me fly it. I start by turning it on and next thing I know it zooms out. I panic as I'm about to crash and begin hitting miscellaneous buttons as I start edging closer and closer to the garden bushes. I close my eyes waiting for the impact only to open them again when nothing happened. My eyes shot opened to see that I'm hovering above the ground.

"It worked Charlie!" I called out to him from above. Charlie nodded his head and then I slowly made my way higher until I could see the entire garden. That's when I noticed one of Wybie's gloves in the thicket of those snapper plants that looked like they might gobble me up... oh great.

I made my way back down and set the Mantis Mobile aside. I slipped my backpack off and took out my pocket knife. Slowly making my way towards the plants, I carefully begin to step over them reaching for the glove when they begin to stir.

A snapper plant heads towards my foot which I quickly dodged just in time as I made my way towards the glove trying to avoid the others that are beginning to attack.

I could see my fingers getting ready to grasp the glove when one of the plants wrapped around my foot and started pulling me down. I whipped my pocket knife around and cut off the flower head.

It then to my dismay sprouted two heads instead of one. Now becoming a bit more panicked, I made a quick swiping motion and swiped up the glove. I wiped back around preparing for the plants to attack only to see everything had stopped moving and it turned gray and white like it was an old black and white picture.

I sighed in relief and observed the glove carefully after slumping on the ground. I looked inside to see a slip of paper scrunched up into a ball. I pulled it out and opened it up and immediately started reading.


She's got me. I presume you already know by now but I don't have much time. Here's a hint of the next clue to find me: Follow the mushroom trail that is almost impossible to see, unless it is from a different point of view.
I'm counting on you, Jonsey. Hurry.


I stopped and thought. A different point of view?! But mushrooms grow on the ground... right? I looked around when it came to me... I have to go back on the Mantis Mobile. I stuffed the paper and glove into my pocket and practically jumped onto the Mantis Mobile.

I watched Charlie stretch form his resting spot on the ground and he blinked at me curiously. "Not coming, Charlie?" He liked his paw and looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing. "Cats don't exactly... like heights." He spoke as I smirked and crossed my arms. "But I thought cats always land on their feet anyways?" Charlie rolled his eyes. "You can't believe everything you hear."

I sighed in defeat and began to go up high into the air. I looked around for any signs of mushrooms but found none. I'm in a different point of view... right? That's when I noticed how odd it is that a group of tree leaves are sort of shaped like sprouting mushrooms. "OH!" I gasped.

I flew above them following them until they reached into a new area I haven't been in before. Obviously the Beldam has been at work. She created a large lake which had black waters... most likely filled with horrid creatures.

I got off the Mantis Mobile and carefully crept towards the lake keeping an eye out for any odd behaviors... like being here isn't odd enough. I edged nearer to the lake and noticed in the middle of it an empty fountain. That's got to be it.

I glanced around to see if there is anything I could use as a raft when I saw a small rope coming from out of the water. I quickly went over and pulled it up to see a raft. Perfect.

The sky darkened and I looked up to see the moon had moved a lot more than before. I have to hurry before it's too late. I rushed onto it and took one of the oars planted on top of it to steer. As soon as I set off the land the water suddenly became rapid and formed small waves. What kind of lake is this?!?

I ventured deeper and deeper trying harder and harder to reach the fountain, but the further I went the more the fountain went further away. This has to be a trick. I glanced back at the shore to see it was miles away... how?!

I glanced around the water and noticed something below me moving. This can't be good. I pushed the oar harder and harder toward the fountain and could see the figure moving towards the raft. I let out a scream when the raft cracked in half and I started slipping into the water.

I grasped onto one of the remaining half's of the raft and started to swim as hard as I possible could with my feet since the oar went under. I see the fountain right in front of me, what?! I'm about to grab ahold of it when a black hand reaches out from the water and grabs my leg sending sharp pains down it.

I let out a scream and kick it as hard as I can. My force sends it back into the water a bit and I waste no time by grabbing the fountain. I look on the top of it to see the necklace Wybie had gave me for my birthday. As soon as I touch it everything turns black and white again and the lake freezes.

Two down, one to go, and then I find Wybie.


Author's note:
I hope you enjoyed! Sorry this took a bit to get out! Cya next chapter :))

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