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A few hours later Ella stumbled out of the bedroom in a haze, she looked in the bathroom mirror to see her lips were plump and a deepened red. She slipped in and out of the shower in record time not wanting to wake Tom.

"You still fancy Italian?"

She was jolted by Tom stood behind her shirtless. She couldn't help but stare at his toned abdomen.

"You mean you're not going to run out of here as fast as possible?"

"Does it look that way?"

A slow smile stretched across his face to reassure her and he pressed Ella against the shower, his hands were either side of her head and he kissed her tenderly, she could feel the warmth of his body against hers, she was in a mist of lust. He felt her body relax into his and with that he whipped the towel that was wrapped around her and ran into the living room,

"This is the only thing I'm running for."

She burst out into a fit of chuckles and proceeded to chase him around her apartment, Frankie zig-zagging between the pair.

They arrived at 'Bellisimo' shortly before 8pm and Tom made a sly comment to Ella that they could've had round two. They were seated at a quiet table in the back and Ella admired the ambiance as Tom flicked through the menu. It was a large yet intimate restaurant, set back from the buzz of the Miami strip. A huge crystal chandelier hung from ceiling and the sparkles reflected onto the majestic mirrors draped across ruby walls. Deep oak wood floors filled the room and each table was lit with an individual tea light. Ella tried to decide what to order but she was distracted by Tom's dim lit face concentrating on the menu with such intensity it only made her more attracted to him. His green eyes glistened as he overlooked each page and as he subconsciously tousled his jet black hair between his fingers Ella sat back to admire her view.

Tanned, powerful, smart and suave – she'd struck gold with this one, apart from the wife.

After much consideration Tom had decided what to eat and ordered for both he and Ella. They made light conversation whilst they waited for dinner and Ella digged deeper into his work. He had his own construction company which he had already told her about and they mainly did renovation work but he also was setting up a new delivery service. He was struggling to get it off the ground as it was originally his wife's idea but she had become disinterested and now he was left picking up the mess considering it was his money that was invested. Ella knew she would regret asking but she couldn't stop the words coming out:

"So what's the deal with your wife?"

"Well obviously we've separated hence why I'm here with you, I want a divorce but she's refusing to sign the papers unless I agree to give her half of everything I have."

It all made sense in Ella's mind – Lorraine's message seemed fixated on his money and if he was moving it about it was only so she couldn't get her grubby paws on it. Plus, Tom had never lied to her, he had no need to and she had no need not to trust him. Her overthinking was interrupted by the delicious smell of their meals being placed on the table. Tom nodded at the waiter to fill up the wine glasses and they tucked in impatiently having worked up an appetite from earlier in the day.

"What are you doing for work Ella?"

This was the question she was dreading being asked. She didn't want to lie to Tom but in the same way she needed to protect him, she didn't want to hurt him or ruin their newly blossoming romance. She knew she couldn't spout off the same bullshit she did to everyone else though, she had more respect than that for him.

"To be completely honest I'm kind of between jobs, I haven't really had anything fixed contract since I've been here, it's hard to find something that suits you know?"

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