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Then the day came she dreaded, Jake knocked on the door, he didn't respond to her usual affection so she pulled away and noticed his grave expression:

"There was a cancellation." He said.

"When does it start?" She asked not wanting to know the answer.


"That's three days away Jake, I'm not ready for this. Three days." She panted.

"Hey, you've got this. You did nothing wrong. You can do this!" He said pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her.

They spent the interim before the trial wrapped up in bed together. Ella was too scared to let him go so Jake bought his work laptop and convinced his boss he was working from home so no one in the office distracted him from making sure the file was 100% for court. It was only when he shut the lid on the laptop the night before the trial that he sensed Ella's hostile and anxious mood.

"Why are you so nervous?" Jake laughed.

"You're going to hate me." The thoughts had been swirling through her head the last few days and she knew she needed to tell him everything.

"I could never hate you," He replied twizzling her hair through his fingers.

"I don't even know where to start, fuck. Okay so when I first moved here I was waitressing, you know how it is; god damn awful money but the tips make it worthwhile. There was this woman who would come in every Friday with her kids when they finished school and we got friendly over the two years I worked there. Then one day she asked me a question," She paused. "She asked me if I could seduce her husband."

"What?!" Jake asked shocked.

"Bare with me. She wanted me to honey trap him, you know see if he'll cheat and she offered me a fuck ton of money, like literally almost a year's wage. The scumbag practically drooled on me, she got enough for a divorce and I was up a lot of cash, then she told her friends who told their friends and it turns out there are a lot of untrusting women in Miami. It literally got so big I had my own website, I never used my real name or anything and I never did anything further than kiss until I met Tom."

"Wait, what? Lorraine contacted you?"

"Yeah she paid me to see if he would cheat and I ended up being his drug dealing girlfriend, but obviously I told her he wasn't cheating." Ella said.

"Does he know this?"

"I'm still breathing aren't I?"

"Have you thought about if this comes out tomorrow? We're trying to get him for Lorraine's murder, this implicates you Ella. This shows you knew her, that she didn't trust Tom." Jake sighed.

"Of course I have, hence the nerves." She said bluntly.

"We'll sort it; the defence might not even bring it up, they might not know."

"What about that thing with Clive? That's on record, will that be bought up?" Ella asked nervously.

"That guy from Josie's?" Jake asked to which Ella nodded. "He was one of your honey traps?"

"Yeah but before Tom." She said in reply.

"That should be fine, we're using the obsessive boyfriend angle anyway, you know Clive fancied you, you knocked him back, he flipped at you so Tom flipped at him."

"Well that is the truth, I mean it doesn't matter how I met him right?"

"Wait, am I one of your honey traps?" Jake laughed.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now