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She walked off before he had time to answer. She knew Isaac would be a bad move, after all she was sharing a suite with him for the next couple of days and knowing match maker Adam he would seat them together at the wedding table.

So taking her next best option she dragged Adam along to the bar and lined up shots for them both, when it got to the point where she couldn't feel her feelings any more she climbed onto the bar and began dancing as if she should've been paid to be there. Men crowded around her and when one offered her his hand to help her down she gladly accepted making sure to make eye contact with Jake as Adam had gone back to the group to joke about how much fun she was.

She let the guy buy her a drink and danced with him for the next hour or so. He was trying to make conversation with her but she kept looking straight past him to Jake to see if she had his attention, she knew it was a dangerous game she was playing but she wasn't going to let him talk to her like that and think it's acceptable.

As she was shaking her bum to the music, she heard a mass of raised voices, voices that sounded like her guys. She looked over to see a mob of suited guys being separated by security, still shouting at one another. She excused herself from the guy she was dancing with and as she headed over to the group, Dayle practically ran past her forcefully taking Jake out by his arms.

Adam had told her that Jake was pissed because some guy had had too much to drink and kept bumping into him, Jake had allegedly told him to watch himself and when this guy squared up to Jake he didn't have any hesitation to uppercut him. She went with the rest of the group back to the hotel; Dayle was walking in front with Jake still trying to calm him down so she stuck to the back with Austin who gave her a piggy back because her shoes had crippled her feet so much she couldn't walk.

When they got back in Jake stormed straight into his bedroom and slammed the door shut. Everyone else was in a sombre mood then and Ella couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as she had purposely tried to antagonise Jake.

She poured herself a glass of water and headed to bed. She wasn't going to speak to Jake; she knew it would be like speaking to a brick wall at the minute. She said goodnight to everyone and made a joke with Isaac to stay in his own bed. Adam said he wouldn't be long so she scrambled into bed and got undressed.

"Are you not even going to talk to me now?" Jake said barging in and switching on the light.

"I didn't think you'd want to talk," She said rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the light.

"I don't, I mean I didn't, oh for fucks sake, I don't know." He walked over to the bed and kneeled over her. "I just want you so bad."

He reached down to kiss her and she caved. He tore off his shirt and climbed into the covers with her kissing her steamily; she reached across and turned off the lights as he fiddled with the loop on his belt. There was so much desire between the pair and Jake couldn't get his clothes off quick enough. The door flung open and the lights flickered on briefly.

"Oh shit, my bad." Dayle said embarrassed and shutting the door hastily behind him.

Jake squeezed his eyes shut with humiliation. She let out a huge sigh and pushed Jake from on top of her, she didn't say anything, neither of them did, she went to the bathroom and shut the door. She ran the shower water but sat with her back to the door cross-legged.

They had literally been caught red-handed. She had never felt so stupid, having someone know and judging her was such an unimaginable feeling of shame, Dayle was Jake's best friend and by proxy a good friend of Erin. She prayed Dayle would be too drunk to remember what he saw so they could brush it off as a misunderstanding but she hadn't been that lucky.

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