Ch. 14 - Sexual Tension

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That night when Rachel got to the bar for her shift it was already packed full of people. 

"What's going on? Why are we so busy?" she asked Cain. 

"Apparently word got out that you're a waitress here Superstar."

"Seriously? All these people are here for me?" she asked with scrunched eyebrows. 

"Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?" he laughed. "I don't think you realize how much people love you. All I had been hearing about for the last two years since I moved here was how amazing some woman named Rachel Beckett was. And now that I've met you, I can understand what all the hype was about," he smiled. 

"Oh really? What was all the hype about then?" she asked, shooting him a flirty smile.

"Well," he said quietly, leaning in so only she could hear. "Rachel Beckett is a fighter. She's tough, beautiful, smart, funny, a fucking amazing ice skater." He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "and an even better kisser." His breath tickled her neck and made her shiver, and a smile spread across her face. 

 "Hey Rachel!" the owner Lou shouted across the bar, breaking her from the trance Cain had her under and she stepped away from him with her face blushing.   

"Yeah?" she called out.

"I'm gonna put you behind the bar with Cain tonight since we're so busy. My wife is gonna help waitress." 

"Ok Lou. Thank you!" she shouted, looking over at Cain and he was giving her a mischievous smirk and she just rolled her eyes at him and smiled. He knew exactly what he was doing, getting her all worked up like that. She grabbed the black apron off the hook on the wall and put it over her head and tied it behind her back. She looked around at all the liquor bottles and the fountain pop sprayer. 

"Ok. Cain I need help. I have NO idea what in the world I'm doing," she laughed. 

Cain walked over and said, "Ok. So if they ask for a regular bottle of beer, it's in the refrigerator behind us. Just take the cap off before you give it to them. If they ask for a mixed drink I'll teach you how to do it. If they want beer on tap pull this lever here and fill the cup up at a sideways angle so it's not all foam. If they want a soda you just click the button on this sprayer for what kind of soda they want. The prices are all on this sheet here." 

"Ok," she nodded, letting out a breath. "Got it." She was nervous but she could do this, hopefully.

Pretty soon there was a line of customers waiting so she started taking orders. Her first few were simple beers that were easy. Then she had two women order a long island iced tea and a bloody Mary. 

Cain came over and helped, talking her through exactly how to make them. He slid his hand over hers when she was pouring the alcohol in the glass and showed her when to stop, standing behind her so she could feel his breath on her neck and his body close to hers. It was so distracting and made her want to just take him home right now. She looked up at him and smiled shyly, feeling her face blush before handing the drinks to the two women. She kind of hoped they'd get more mixed drink orders so she had an excuse to be close to him again.

 As they worked together that night he kept flirting with her and giving her sexy winks and smiles, making it really hard to concentrate. She couldn't help but look over at his handsome face and think about that kiss earlier and how it was the best one she ever had in her life, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to sleep with him. Somehow she knew it would be amazing. He looked over and caught her staring at him and she looked away and blushed. Later on she caught him staring at her too and that made her smile.

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