Ch. 16 - After

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The next morning was Friday and as soon as the alarm went off Rachel was wide awake with a smile still on her face remembering how amazing last night was. She took a quick shower and threw on some yoga pants and a workout tank and tennis shoes before heading downstairs. 

When her brother Spencer and sister Laney came downstairs she was in the living room doing her daily yoga. 

"Good morning!" she said to them with a big smile. 

"Morning," Spencer said. 

"Good morning," Laney grumbled. She was notoriously known for NOT being a morning person. 

They went into the kitchen and poured themselves bowls of cereal and sat on the barstools and ate facing Rachel. 

"So how's training going?" Laney asked. 

"Eh. It's not going as fast as I had hoped. For some reason in my mind I thought I could just pick it right back up and it would be easy. I'm struggling to even land doubles now and even when I do land them my technique isn't what it should be," she said, doing a downward facing dog. 

"I've heard some of the girls at skating practice talking about you being back. There are a few that seem pretty jealous and not happy about the whole thing. They said the coach is wasting too much of his time with you when he could be training them, because there's no way you'll be ready for the Olympics in time," Laney said. 

"Let me take a wild guess. Was it Addison that said that?" Rachel asked, switching to the warrior pose and leaning forward. 

'You know her so well," Laney laughed with a smile. 

"I'm not the only one," Rachel said under her breath, referring to the fact that she was Spencer's girlfriend.

"What?" Laney asked. 

"Oh nothing." 

Rachel laid down and stretched her back up into the cobra pose and she noticed Spencer fidgeting uncomfortably. 

"Okay. I guess I'm just gonna have to rip the band aid off and tell you," he said. "We've gotta pick up Addison this morning on our way into school." 

"Why? Is her car broken down or something? Her parents are rich enough to just buy her a new one. Trust me I know. She reminds me of how rich they are ALL the time," Laney said rolling her eyes and letting out an exhale. 

"No," Spencer said, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck. "There's nothing wrong with her car," he laughed awkwardly. "We're picking her up because she's ummm. Well she's sort of ....... my girlfriend," he said sheepishly. 

"What!?" Laney screamed, her eyes as wide as saucers, looking at him in shock. "You better be about to say April Fool's Spencer Hayes Beckett or I SWEAR to all that is holy that I will kick your ass!!" 

He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground with a guilty look on his face. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I'm completely serious." 

"Oh no," Laney groaned, laying her head down onto the counter. She banged her head against it a couple times and whined, "Just kill me now. Put me out of my misery." 

Spencer laughed. "Geez Laney. Why are you being so dramatic about it? Why do you care so much about who my girlfriend is?" 

She raised her head and narrowed her eyes at him. "Did it ever occur to you Spencer that her being your girlfriend means I'm going to get stuck having to hang out with her? Now she's riding to and from school with us and the next thing you know she'll be hanging around our house and coming over for dinner. I literally HATE her dude!"

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