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It was just past five PM when Angelina returned home after work. She would usually arrive home, change into her nightgown and begin cooking tea for herself and her brothers.

Only that evening, she arrived home to her kitchen full of men, some of whom she knew, some she didn't.

"What's going on?" Angelina said, pushing her way through the men to find Lorenzo stood over a mess of papers strewn across the table.

"Lina," he said, shocked, "I didn't expect you to be home so soon, I-"

"Where is Stefano?"

Silence fell across the room. The men looked at each other, none of them daring to speak. Angelina repeated herself after getting no response.

"I said where is Stef?"

Lorenzo sighed loudly.

"He's been taken. But-"

"What?" Angelina exclaimed, her eyes widening at the news.

"Don't panic, we're going to get him back, we just need to plan the whole thing. It's going to be fine."

"By, by who?" She stuttered.

Lorenzo stood still with his hands firmly resting on the table. He bowed his head, reluctant to tell his sister who it was that was holding their brother hostage.

"Kimber and his men."

Confusion crossed Angelina's face. From her understanding, her brothers were working with Mr Kimber, not against him.

"How? You told me-"

"It doesn't matter what I told you, Lina, just stay in the-"

Before Lorenzo could finish his sentence Angelina had fled the house. She headed straight for Tommy's home, trying to justify her rash actions as she quickly made her way through the streets, dodging children playing and avoiding puddles in her heeled shoes.

She paused outside his front door. As she stood on the front step, she felt her heart rise into her mouth, she felt sick, but she wasn't sure whether she felt nauseous because of the fear over her brother's safety, or because she was about to see Thomas again.

Swallowing her pride, she knocked three times on the door, took a step back, and waited.

A few moments passed. She thought about her brother and felt her stomach sink. She couldn't shake the memory of Jude laying unconscious on the living room floor of their home, she only hoped her brother wasn't hurt.

"Can I help you?"

Angelina quickly wiped the stray tears that had managed to seep down her cheeks and looked up to see Thomas stood by the door, looking down at her with one eyebrow raised.

"I, I-" struggling to get her words out, Angelina suddenly became overcome with emotion, finding it hard to take a deep breath.

"What is it? I don't have time for-"

"The man, the man who had a gun to your head," she started, pausing to catch her breath, "he's taken my brother."

"Tom who is it! We're busy grafting away in- oh, Angelina sweetheart, what can we do for you?"

Angelina's gaze shifted from Thomas' to find John's. He stood behind his older brother, his face full of concern for the woman stood almost sobbing on the doorstep.

"Her brother's been taken by Billy Kimber, John. What that's got to do with us I don't know. We can't help you, we don't know anything."


Angelina called out in desperation just as Thomas started to close the door in her face.

"Please, Tommy. You said whenever I needed you, you'd be there."

"That was before you fucked half of Small Heath, Miss Santoro."

"Tommy, careful now. Don't be saying something you'll regret. I'm getting Arthur and the boys."

John disappeared from the doorway, leaving Angelina stood staring up at Thomas like a lost child, her eyes glazed over with tears and her hands crossed at her chest, vulnerability showing itself.

"You better come inside."

Thomas stepped to the side, allowing Angelina to walk past him into his home. She walked over to the fireplace, holding her hands over the flames to warm her body.

"Where is she? Angelina!"

She turned her head when she heard her name being called, seeing Arthur pushing his way through two men stood in the hallway to get to her.

"Christ Angelina, what have your brother's got themselves into, eh?"

Arthur pulled Angelina into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. He cared about Angelina far more than he was willing to admit, far more than was acceptable. He had a wife, bound by marriage to a woman who he loved dearly, but she didn't quite have the same fire in her eyes that Angelina had.

He held her tightly, stroking her hair and whispering reassurance beside her ear quietly. Angelina felt at ease with Arthur, she felt safe.

Thomas cleared his throat.


He let go of Angelina, smiling at her, before walking past his brother and over to John and a group of men in the next room.

Thomas stayed quiet for a moment after the two of them were left alone together. The last time the pair were in one another's company was three weeks ago after Thomas visited The Marquis.

Angelina thought he had made it clear he wanted nothing more to do with her, and so far, nothing had happened to make her think any different.

"You want our help to get your brother home safely, is that right?"

Angelina nodded, looking at Tommy who stared back at her vacantly.

"And why should I do that?"

"You told me you'd be there, Tommy. I know we have our differences but-"

Thomas chuckled, cutting Angelina off.

"I've met a woman, and things are going well. Thought you might like to know."

Angelina struggled to find any words to say back to Thomas. Instead, all she could do was shyly nod, looking down at her shoes instead of into his eyes.

"Does that mean you can't help my brother?"

Thomas shook his head.

"I can help your brother, but I won't. Your family's business with the Kimber boys has got nothing to do with me and I intend to keep it that way. Now I suggest you leave, make sure your other brother is still in one piece."

just a short little update today!! side note would anybody be interested in an Arthur fic?? I have so many ideas and I feel like he deserves more recognition!!
let me know ur thoughts!

The Sun Will Rise | T ShelbyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα