Chapter 4

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Bo didn't care about him, "What does that have to do with you?"

Keith narrowed his eyes, "Pushing someone in the river is attempted murder. You think I won't report you?"

Now, Bo and the rest were scared. They didn't know the law well and really thought it was attempted murder.

"You have no proof!" Bo argued. Keith raised his phone. "I've got it all on recording."

Bo felt a chill. No, he can't go to jail. Especially not because of that Beckley brat.

"Let's-lets make a deal." Bo was willing to compromise.

Keith shrugged. "Your terms?"

"I...I won't bully Beckley again. Don't take the recording to the police."

"Fair enough," Keith said, "But if I see you going against your word, this video will not just go to the police, I'll make sure Beckley has a lawyer too. It won't be just jail time then."

Bo's legs were shaking. He quickly nodded and ran away with his buddies.

Keith looked at Beckley. At first he thought Beckley was a young boy but looking closely, her long hair peeking out of the rain coat and slim figure, Beckley was a girl.

Beckley was also looking at Keith.

"You should pick up your stuff."

Beckley looked at her bag in the mud pool and picked it up, swinging it over her shoulders, not caring whether it was dirty.

"Thank you."

"No worries. I'm Keith by the way."

He introduced himself on a whim.

"Riley. Riley Beckley."

"Beckley...." Keith murmured. The name seemed to ring a bell in his mind.

Riley's hand on her bag strap clenched.

Keith snapped his fingers.

"The shaman's house!" He remembered now.

Beckley's were popular shamans in Erenburg. They were also accused of being involved in dark magic. Some town folks had tried to kick them out of the town, blaming them for their misfortunes but the mayor stopped them as Beckleys had saved his wife's life. He didn't allow anyone to kick them out. Now they lives in one corner of the town.

Keith nodded. He remembered the Shaman having a daughter. They went to the same primary school but she was a year younger than him.

"You don't remember me? I'm Keith Derrick. We went to Primary Hall together."

Riley looked at him blankly. She didn't seem to remember him. But she did know the Derrick family. They weren't the most politest people in town but Keith was really different.

"Derrick..." She frowned, "Why did you come back to this town?"

"To spend my summer before going to college," Keith shrugged and replied casually.

"You shouldn't be here." Riley whispered to herself.


She looked up at him and Keith saw her light coloured eyes, a unique feature of the Beckleys. A mixture of golden and Phoenix eye colour.

"Don't go near the colosseum."

Riley left after saying that, leaving Keith standing there confused. He held the umbrella over him and thought that it was probably time for dinner. He should be home on time in case Madam Derrick was proficient at sarcastic comments .

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