Chapter 9

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It was 2 Am and Riley was wide awake. She felt doom looming upon the town. It didn't let her sleep.

She sat with her knees pressed against her chest. Her blank gaze at the wall in front of her. Just like how her father had instructed her, she was trying to keep her mind blank. It should help. It always did.

A rock was thrown at her window. It hit with a "click" but Riley was immediately alert. She got up and looked out.

Keith was standing in the rain, his clothes dripping wet, holding a large parcel wrapped with clothe in his hands.

Riley looked up at the sky. Oh God, what sort of trouble has he brought with him?

She went down and opened the door, holding an umbrella. She threw it to him.

"Use the umbrella."

Keith was thankful for it. He was wet all over and it was bothering him, but he did not have time to be bothered.

"What do you want?" Riley asked from the door.

"The antique you talked about. I found it. The people at my house are all dead. My brother started killing everyone and in the end...I had to...kill him." Keith tried to explain as quickly as he could without leaving anything out.

Riley listened silently but then interrupted him, "So you mean to say, that thing in your hand is..."

"The antique. Look, I know you don't want to be implicated-"

"And you still brought that thing to my house?!" Riley couldn't believe her ears. No wonder she felt wrong this evening. Keith brought the cause of doom right at her doorstep. She had to commend him for this though. Just what did she do to deserve this?

Keith saw her freaking out and knew he had messed up.

"Can you tell me more about this? What is wrong with this vase? And the colosseum?" He had to get answers. This thing had killed his father's family.

After Keith's urging, Riley finally gave up. She picked up another umbrella and went out into the rain. No way was she going to invite him in with that demonic vase.

"Originally I'm not supposed to be the one to talk about it but the longer you wander about with that antique, the quicker you'll bring calamity upon the whole town."

Keith nodded and opened the flap to show her the vase, "What is this?" He told her about how his father had found it.

"The colosseum? That makes sense. That place was closed for a reason. Bringing something out from in there is...what was your father thinking?" Riley shook her head. She was frowning with worry. The antique had already killed so many people.

"The Evil from that place resides in every object from the colosseum. The antique is just one of its carriers."

"Then what do I do?" The rain became louder in his ears. The noise of thunder was almost deafening.

"It's simple," Riley shrugged, "Take it back from where it came from."

"The Colosseum."

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