Chapter 5 - despair

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"Is she alright?"

"Yes, her heart has been stable for the past hour. Since the tranquilliser is only supposed to be used on assets, she has been asleep for the past 2 days."

"How long until she wakes up?"

"Maybe an hour."

"Alright, thanks Doc."


My eye lids fluttered open when I heard a door close. Ugh my head... I sat up, feeling silk covers fall off my chest. A sudden headache flooded my thoughts, "you shouldn't over exert yourself." Mr Wu had walked in, holding a glass of water. "Here." He handed me the glass as I gulped it down.

"I'm surprised you didn't die,"He stated, staring at me, "He even protected you from the tranquillisers coming your way." I looked up at him in awe, protecting me? My thoughts came back to me, remembering Zephre's sibling. "Wait, so he really killed his own sibling...?" I asked, still in shock from the memory. "It was expected, we didn't have time to build a second enclosure, resulting in aggressive behaviour from both assets."

I clenched the covers, my eyes began to water. I thought things were going to be better after meeting Zephre... Tears began to slide down my cheek, falling onto the silky covers. "Mrs Cardle? I apologise if I spoke to harshly about Zephre, I know that you had built a strong bond with him." Mr Wu got up. "I'll give you some time alone." Mr Wu walked out of the door closing it gently.

I began to cry into the covers, why did I ever come here... I never wanted this job, but it was the only one that payed a large salary...I had forgotten that Zephre was a carnivorous dinosaur, I was just so comfortable with him that I began treating him like a lost puppy.

After a few minutes I wiped my tears, Having hiccups from crying. "Since when did you have hiccups?" Owen walked in closing the door behind him, " How are you feeling?" He sat on the side of the bed. "Oh I'm jumping with joy ." I said sarcastically while wiping my eyes with my sleeve, Owen grabbed my upper body in a hug. "You know I'm always here if you need me." He said softly whispering in my ear.

My face turned beet red as I tried to push him away. He squeezed me tighter, "Ugh, your..." He let me go as I gasped for air. "Sorry I never knew you were so fragile." He revealed a toothy grin putting a hand behind his head.

After Owen and I talked he said he needed to go back and check on the raptors. "I'll see you later crybaby!" He quickly left, not giving me a chance to protest about the nickname. After a few hours of scrolling through the web, the sun began to set revealing a beautiful picture of the stars. I looked through the window above my bed to gaze at the scenario. Wow, I never knew the sky looked so beautiful on this side of the park. My view at the hotel was just tall trees of all kind, I never got to see such a view in ages.

My eye lids felt heavy as they began to close.

Maybe Mr Wu will give me permission to go see Owens Raptors and see how he trains them... One of them may have hurt me but it's not as scary as an indominus rex eating it's own sibling right next to you...

Darkness wrapped around my body as sleep took over me...

—the next morning—

"Hey, wake up!" A scientist had bursted into the room. "We need you right now, are you feeling better?" I forced my eyelids to open and stay that way while the man was shouting at my me. "...yeah." I rubbed my eyes feeling slightly puffy from crying yesterday.

As soon as the man heard my answer he ripped me out of bed and shoved my uniform in my chest "OOF.." I stumbled backwards but held my stability, "what the hell is your problem..!?" I said, glaring at him. "I'm Sorry, but we need you ASAP, Mr Wu is asking for you personally." He Quickly ran out the door as if his life was a ticking time bomb.


After I brushed my teeth and hair, I placed my clean uniform over my head. It sat perfectly on me, revealing my curves.

"Ah, good morning Mrs Cardle, I have something I would like to tell you, please follow closely behind me..."

Contained - yandere indominus rexWhere stories live. Discover now