Chapter 6 - Zephre...?

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I followed Mr Wu's orders and followed closely behind him. Where he's leading me, I'm not sure.

We past tourists staring at the incubators, followed by the flash of cameras. I giggled at their amazement, wait till they see Zephre. After a few minutes of walking we entered a secluded room, Mr Wu handed me a cup of coffee.

"What did you want to tell me Mr Wu?" I asked, grabbing myself a seat as he did the same. Mr Wu had a serious look on his face. "Bella Cardle, I know that you have created a strong bond with Zephre, but I'm scared it will turn into something worse."

"What...?" Mr Wu stood up from his seat and made his way to a computer, I followed behind him. On the screen a video was portrayed, a video of me sleeping in the enclosure and Zephre's head laying on my chest. The video continued. An image of the second indominus rex appeared, she seemed to approach me quietly, as if to not wake me up. She tried to curdle up in the crevice of my arm, but Zephre began to growl.

Mr Wu did say that they showed aggression. He quietly moved away from my sleeping form. As I continued to watch the video, Zephre's sister began to back away, cowering almost. Before I could process it he jumped on her, he clamped his jaws on her arm, detaching it from her torso.

She roared in pain, no one could hear her as the guards were enjoying their lunch at the cafeteria. Zephre jumped on her side and dug his powerful bite into her neck, twisting it backwards. Her body dropped dead to the floor as Zephre began to rip through her stomach.

I looked away from the screen, covering my mouth as my hands shook from fear. "This is why I called you this morning, to discuss about Zephre." He sat my shaking form on a comfortable chair, I took a slow sip of my coffee before placing it on a side table next to me.

"As you just saw, the indominus rex has developed a hostile behaviour to outsiders, this will have to change over the course of your stay." Mr Wu handed me a file of Zephre's documents. "This will give you a better understanding of what the indominus rex is , for us to be able to release him to the public."

I nodded my head. Later that afternoon, Mr Wu sent someone to escort me to my hotel. Since from tomorrow I will have to be stricter will Zephre, so he doesn't harm anyone or anything without my consent.

I reached my room, and placed the document on my side table and got ready for bed. I then switched the lamp off and let darkness take over my vision.

—the next morning—

I greeted everyone that passed me as I got closer to the indominus's enclosure. "Good morning Mrs Cardle." The guard who watched Zephre's enclosure greeted me while throwing a Frispy Freme in his mouth. "Morning Fredric!"

As I opened the metal door, a wisp of air hit my face.

Time to start training.

I searched around in the enclosure to try find Zephre. "Zephre! Where are you!" I called out into the dense thicket. "Zephr-!"

As I attempted to call him again I was thrown to the floor. I tried to get up but the creature had a firm grip around the front part of my neck, it's steamy tongue sliding across my shivering skin. It's breath filling my lungs.

I looked up to see a pair of fiery eyes, a beautiful crimson surrounding it's iris in a blaze. "It's okay Zephre, it's just me, Bella." I lifted my right hand to rest upon his jaw.

His gaze softened from hearing my words as his grip loosened. When removing his clasp on my neck, a string of hot saliva from my neck to his tongue appeared. "...uhh" he noticed I was uncomfortable as he licked the saliva clean off my neck.

"Did you miss me?" I stroked his snout as he let out a slight chirp. He was now 2 meters high in a matter of 3 days. I guess I'll have to check the document Mr Wu handed me yesterday. After petting him for a while, I started to giggle when he began to make vibrations  sounding like a purr.

While laughing I saw a glint in his eyes before he hovered his body over mine. "Zephre?" I felt him press against my body as I slumped to the floor. He moved his head towards my face and began to sniff me from my head, neck, down to my belly. He then licked my shirt with his slimy tongue, causing my shirt to reveal my slim waist.

"No, Zephre..." he looked up at me with a playful gaze. I began to wriggle under his grasp before finally breaking free from him, glaring him down before turning my back and walking into the forest. What's gotten into him? Mabey he has reached his juvenile stage and is getting curious of the world...?

Contained - yandere indominus rexWhere stories live. Discover now