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Persephone and Hades aesthetic Above ^^Dedicated to clowdyishiding

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Persephone and Hades aesthetic Above ^^
Dedicated to clowdyishiding

The atmosphere was moist with a pungent odour in the dark cell. The dungeons of this house which belonged to Eris were rather much more dirty than a sewer could ever be and the boy hanging lose from his ankeles, tied upside down, had been suffocating here ever since a week.

The floor of the cells were mucus stained and greasy and one could not see at all without any torch lights. So didn't the captive God of Ridicule.

"Tsk tsk." A voice rang from far away distance and before Momus could comprehend, his hair were being pulled from their roots vigouruously. Sharp nails dug deeper into his skull causing him to groan.

"What a grace your majesty." He muttered slowly, trying hard to smile but the sudden aura of horror and in his point of view, disgust had choked his smile back.

"Shut up you piece of shit. How dare you betray me!" Her voie was no more soft but a loud pitched shirrl which raised the goosebumps all over his immortal skin.

Is this death for immortals?

Momus joked to himself, staring at nothing but darkness as a sharp pain shoot through ihs cheek, defining the sting of a slap.

"Traitor!" She shrieked before colliding her hunter with his bare back. Screams of grief and pain echoed in the entire empty area. Of course Momus could not see her face, or see anything but all that he was focusing on was Hypnos, his friend who didn't let go of his back when he was lonely and rejected. There were his brothers and sisters, his fellow Gods which were equally lonely and rejected and yet no one understood him better than Hypnos. There were times he thought much more of Hypnos than a friend but the dark thoughts--like 'I am not deserving enough of him'-- brought down his chance of love.

It surprisingly happened that Hypnos helped him when Olympus was well aware that he stabbed the moon and doomed their all chance of a victorious war. Hypnos's face flashed before his eyes, smiling, crying, anxious, happy and...loving. He had cared for him so much from his childhood but now he was sure that he loved Hypnos more than he had thought.

The face of Silver flashed in front of his closed lids at another touch of the wip over his ichor-stained body. He had grown to care for her too, for some reason, he felt attracted to her sorrow.

Her sorrow had a very unique aura. She was sad, even lost but she refused to let go of the pain and allow herself to break down once. She kept inside all the sorrow and that was eating her up. Momus wanted her relieved of all the agony, her ego was the size of eiffel tower when he had met her but a week with her and he had dived into her soul.

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