five: the bleeding moon

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───


It was just recently the entire Uchiha clan was murdered.

Only two survivors, Itachi-- the man who murdered his entire clan and Sasuke- the one who survived.

Everyone was on edge, he wiped out the entire clan so easily and it left people wondering, are they safe? 

Inari felt really bad for Sasuke, he was always a bit cold but now he completely shut everyone out. Hanami even visited Mikoto a few days before and she was completely devastated. 

The night felt darker than usual, the big red moon casted a light over the sad village. Inari was walking with her mother and brother after they visited Hiashi and she couldn't help but stare at the bloody red moon.

Hanami was holding her children's hand and kept them close by her side as they walked back home. There was not that many people outside, there were occasional Jonins walking around but not that many commoners. Kiyoko looked at Hanami and then looked at Inari, they looked at each other for a while, "Kiyoko, why is the moon so red?" She asked while tilting her head, Kiyoko looked at the sky, "Maybe it got hurt, and it's bleeding." He answered.

Inari felt Hanami's hand squeeze her wrist, very hard. She was confused as to why she was doing that. Her eyes looked up and she was taken aback to see Hanami glaring at her, it was the type of glare that kind of shook her to her core, no one had ever looked at Inari like that, there was so much hate in her eyes. 

Her eyes widened and Hanami gritted her teeth together, "Don't speak." She muttered softly under her breath. Inari was confused. Why was her mother acting like this, she was so angry at her for no reason at all. She snatched her wrist back and rolled up her sleeve, Hanami left a reddish-purple mark on her. Inari's face was washed over with confusion and distress. 

Kiyoko reached his hand out for Inari, she took his hand and walked next to him and was out of reach from Hanami, "She's just a bit stressed, don't worry about it." He whispered, Inari nodded and held onto her brothers hand tightly.

After walking back into the complex, it was time for dinner. "Thank you Akira. You can leave us."  Hanami dismissed her, the maid smile softly and bowed before leaving. 

Inari stared at her food, it was a basic rice and miso soup. She picked up her chopsticks and started to eat the rice. The family sat quietly together and ate their food silently. Inari was sitting next to Kiyoko and he sat next to Hanami. Kiyoko was quickly eating his food as he always does, Hanami was just looking at her food, not touching anything at all. 

"Kiyoko when we're done could we go practice?" Inari asked, Kiyoko tilted his head and thought for a moment, "Yeah, we should do it inside and I'll go find Amaya afterwards and ask if she'll want to practice with us." He responded and resumed to eating his food. Hanami picked up her chopsticks and began to eat her rice. 

The twins were both very careful while they ate because they didn't want to spill anything but Kiyoko knocked his bowl a little and a bit of the soup spilled onto Hanami's hand. He flinched and grabbed a napkin, "S-Sorry mother." He said immediately and attempted to wipe her hand, Hanami slammed her chopsticks onto the table, and smacked Kiyoko's hand away, "Stupid child!" She raised her voice and slapped him across the face.

Inari's eyes widened and she froze after what she just saw, Kiyoko paused before he touched his stinging cheek. His eyes started to gloss over and his bottom lip quivered, then tears started to uncontrollably fall down his face. 

"Stop crying!" Hanami screamed and raised her hand up, motioning to hit him again, "Don't touch him!" Inari grabbed Kiyoko and got him out of the room. She walked into the kitchen and looked around but Akira wasn't in there. 

Her brother sobbed loudly, Inari wiped the tears from his face and tried to calm him down, "Kiyoko don't cry, don't cry." She hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. He was shaking in his arms and started to cry more silently, he constantly moved from sniffling and he hugged her back, "I don't understand. Why is she acting like this now?"

Kiyoko stopped sniffling and pulled back, he slid down the wall and sat down, Inari sat next to him and held his hand, "She's always been like this, when you were taken and when our dad died, she started to get more angry." Inari hugged him again, "I'm sorry Kiyoko.." She whispered, "Maybe you should go find someone and tell them that Mother isn't feeling well." She finished.

He wiped his nose, "What are you gonna do?" He asked while tilting his head slightly. Inari turned her head in the direction of the dining room, "I don't know yet. Just go tell someone." She put a hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on top of her and looked at her with a numb face, "Okay." 

The twins stood up and walked off, Inari reached her hand out and slowly opened the door to the dining room but then she immediately stopped and kept it open just a crack, her face pressed up against the door and she peeked through with one eye. She gasped softly as she saw her mother on the ground, sitting and mumbling to herself. Inari looked in confusion as she saw Hanami putting her hands up and moving them around, sort of like she was praying in a way but not really. Inari couldn't really describe what she was seeing. 

Hanami's words started to get more clear, "Put on your shoes. Don't be late, make sure you don't run." She repeated those words over and over and over again.

It looked like Hanami was caressing the air, Inari was sort of scared, her Mother had seemed to have lost her mind. 

And Hanami did, she was kneeling and talking as if she was talking to Inari and Kiyoko, Put on your shoes, don't be late, make sure you don't run. Is what Hanami tells her children before they go to the Academy. The way she moved was completely unnerving and Inari slowly retreated away from the door and ran out of the kitchen. 

She saw Kiyoko walking towards her with Akira and she ran over to them, "Lady Inari, Lord Kiyoko said there's something wrong with Mother Hanami, what happened?" Akira asked with worried eyes, Inari looked at Kiyoko and then back at the maid, 

"I don't know anymore."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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