3 -part 2

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In 5th hour, which is science, Peter kept on opening a drawer, peeking inside, then pushing it back in. I didn't have time to ask him after class, because his 6th hour is all the way across the school. After he leaves, I go over to the drawer and try to open it, but it's locked. I stand up and sigh, heading over to my designing class.

Once I get there, I instantly feel more relaxed. I take my hair out, and place it in one ponytail. I instantly begin to work, being too concentrated to know my surroundings. Soon, the final bell rings, and I pack all of my things up, heading towards the door. Once I get to the front of the school, I begin to sprint home as fast as I can, wanting to have 20 minutes to get ready before having to leave.

School gets out at 3, but I have to be to the shop by 4. The shop, though, is 4 blocks away from my house. I run inside, and pull out my hair. I then plug in the hair straightener and wait for it to heat up, brushing my hair and putting heat protective spray on it. Once it is the right temperature, I begin to pull my hair through it, watching as it turns it from wavy to straight in a matter of minutes.

After I am done doing that, I unplug the straightener and change into my uniform. A simple white t-shirt with the logo on the front and long black pants with white shoes. I check the time and see that I have to leave, so I grab my small bag off of the counter and head out, locking the door along the way.

Once I get to work, right on time too, I am immediately put to work because of how busy the shop was at the moment. I had to check people out, give advice, and collect what they wanted. Once the rush was over, around an hour and a half later, I look around the store. I walk up towards the roses, each color bringing a different memory. I suddenly see that there is a single pink rose, and I pick it up.

I walk to the employee only area and stand next to a blank wall with a single painting on it. I can feel the sun on my back, coming in through the blinds, but at the moment I feel so cold.

I look at the lone flower, and begin to tear up. The memory reminds me of when I pretended to be in love with Chat, just so then he wouldn't know who I was. I remember when he came over for breakfast, and he brought a single pink rose. My mind begins to fill with all of the other roses he offered, and all of the other painful memories that come with it.

  "Why did it have to be you?" I ask, then one tear slips down my cheek. I hear footsteps behind me, and wipe my face, putting a smile on top of my sadness. "Marinette?" My boss, Linda, says. "Yes?" I say, turning around. "Are you alright? Joseph said that you saw that rose then took it, and came back here. Are you okay?"

I nod and say, "Just someone that I miss sometimes gave me several roses. A lot of them pink." She nods and smiles, then says, "Go up and work with Joseph again. He is struggling." "Okay." I mutter, and drop the rose on the floor.

Joseph, my co-worker, is helping out a customer, and having a hard time rapping up their flower choices. I giggle out, "Here, let me help." He lets me immediately, and apologizes. Joseph is a tall boy who is only about a year older than me, and is really funny. He has dark red hair and light blue eyes, along with a face covered in freckles. His skin tone is pale, but still darker than mine. He is nice and funny, and is constantly trying his best.

Once I hand the customer their flowers, I help the next customer, which just so happens to be Peter. "Hello Peter! What can I get for you?" "Well umm," he starts. "I actually came here to give you this." He pulls out a small brown bag and I take it, opening it to find a ham sandwich with a cookie and apple. "I....I know that you didn't have lunch, so...so uh, here." He stutters out, rubbing the back of his neck just like Adrien always does.

I smile and walk around the counter, hugging him. "Thank you so much! But my shift ends in 10 minutes, so can you wait and then we can hang?" He nods and sits down on the chair by the check out counter. A few other people come in, which Joseph and I handle easily, then I clock out, grabbing the bag that Peter made for me. "Au revoir Joseph. See you later." "Bye." I hear him call back as Peter and I walk out.

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