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Marinette's pov

After Tony leaves, I close the door and relax against it. I decide that I need to clear my thoughts, so I head over to my closet and open it. I walk over to the paint box, pressing the few buttons, and reveal the miracle box. I try to decide which miraculous I want to use, knowing that I can't use the Ladybug one. I decide on Chat Noir's, only because it will hide me in the darkness. I pull out the ring, and close the box again. I walk out of my closet, closing the door, studying the circular ring with the paw print on it.

I sigh, and put it on, staring down at the now slim pink ring with a sliver circle on the top, supposably a design. Suddenly, there is a bright green light, and Plagg is there, yawning. "Geez Adrien. Why did you put me back?" He rubs his eyes and looks around, realizing that I am not Adrien, and that this isn't Adrien's house.

Plagg looks confused, then asks, "Where am I? Where's the kid LB?" I look at him and give him a sad look and say, "You are here with me in New York. I had to run away, for my own safety and well being, and so I had him turn in the ring. Hawk Moth is defeated, so everything is okay in Paris. I just need someone right now, and I need to get out. I can't have it be Tikki, cause then I would get recognized and easily traced and found out. This is the best option." I hurry and look at the time, it being 9:30, so I hurry and tell Plagg, "Hide." And he does, in the small pocket that I put in my skirt, and run out of the room.

I go down to Tony's work shop, and go in with out knocking. I say to Tony, "Hey. I'm going to bed. Good night Tony." He nods, still concentrating on what he is doing, and says, "Yeah, yeah. Good night. See you tomorrow." I leave, and tell Pepper the same thing. I go into my room, and close the door. "Okay Plagg. You ready?" He sighs while flying out of my pocket, and says, "Yeah. The words are claws out." I nod, saying the transformation words.

I am consumed by a bright green light, and suddenly I look almost the exact same as Chat Noir, except my hair is longer and in a dark braid. My name will stay the same, Lady Noir. That version of me is not very popular, and no one knows that name except for Chat Noir. I turn off the lights in my room, and can still see everything. "Wow Chat, the luxury you lived in." I mutter to myself, opening my window and jumping out towards the city.

I find a roof top, and take in a deep breath. I smile out at the view, happy to be alive, and no longer cooped up. I have missed this so much, and I am so happy to be back. Suddenly, I see red and blue head towards me, so I duck into the shadows of the taller buildings around me, hoping to stay hidden. The person stops on the roof I'm on, and sits down, pulling off his mask. He looks behind him, and I can see that it is Peter or, in this case, Spider-Man. He squints, then shrugs, looking forward again.

He sighs, and looks behind himself again, and asks, "Is anyone there?" I giggle and say, "How could you tell?" He stands up, and balls his hands into fists, putting on his mask in the process. I roll my eyes and say, "You know, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm on your side. I know who you are, Peter Parker. It's okay. You're safe. We just chose the same roof and I got spooked so I hid, I still am hiding."

He asks, "How do you know my name?" I say, "Not supposed to tell you that. I'm supposed to stay a secret. No one can know who I really am." "Well then can I at least see what you look like?" I think about this for a moment before saying, "Maybe. What do I get out of it?" "The satisfaction of knowing  that I won't turn you in." I chuckle, and stare at his weird eyes. "Who says you'll catch me?" He lets out a long sigh, and asks, "please?"

"Are you sure you want to see me?"

I see him nod, then hear him say, "Yes. I want to know what you look like." I extend my baton, and use it as a walking stick, I take a step into the light, so only my leg is showing. I continue forward, into the light. Once I am completely in the light, I take my baton and extend it, then rest my head on it. I look at Spider-Man, and he looks bewildered at what I look like. I look at his eye type things, and smirk.

"Not what you were expecting?" "Not at all." He says, taking a step closer. I tense, and straighten up. I let the expression go off of my face, and make the baton shrink back to its normal size, keeping it in my hand. Peter comes super close up to me, and whispers, "What are you?" I become hurt, and say, "I could ask you the same thing."

He chuckles, lifting his hand and scratching my chin. I have to hold in a purr, and he asks, "And why are you just revealing yourself now?" "Oh, I can't tell you all of my secrets Parker. Where's the fun in that?" He scratches harder, moving his finger just slightly to the side, and despite my best efforts I let out a small purr.

He freezes, and I jump back. "You didn't hear a thing." He laughs, and asks, "does the Kitty like to be pet?"

"Try that again and I'll scratch you." I warn. But I can tell he isn't threatened, and he can probably see the blush on my cheeks. He laughs, and says, "okay kitty cat. Go run home to mommy. Maybe she'll give you scratches too." I blush harder, but ignore him as I move to the edge of the roof, jumping away.

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