Chapter 10: Disapearance

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Ok, so, I tend to update/upload when I'm satisfied with the work I've produced, so bear with me. Also, I like reading more than writing. When I read something I like and get inspiration, that's when I write faster. So feel free to send me some stories you like and would like that I include here.

Red Hood was entering his safe house right after his patrol ended. Taking off his helmet, there showed Jason Todd in all his glory, looking hot in the armor and lather.

As Jason went through his normal routine, nothing special: cleaning and organizing his guns, packing his bag, go out the door towards his sister's house. But as always there is something that goes wrong, Jason heard someone in his safe-house before leaving. He wasn't quiet enough, rookie mistake.

Pretending as if nothing was wrong, Jason rounded around the corner where the intruder was. The intruder sensed his approach and stopped as much movement as he could. Jason reached out a hand before the intruder could react, pulling him out of hiding and pinned him to the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason asked in a low and warning voice.

The intruder panicked, or it seemed like it. He raised his hands and with difficulty pulled his hood down, "hey man."

"Arsenal," Jason sneered as he released his grip, "why the fuck are you doing here Roy?"

Roy placed a grin on his face, "I heard a Red Hood became soft."

Jason growled and protested without much thought, "I'm not going soft."

"The decreased amount of people in the ER beg to differ," he said. Jason thought back, his sister, and shit, he was turning soft, fucking hell. Jason didn't supply an answer so Roy asked further, "who is the girl?"

"What?" Jason asked.

"Usually people stop being bad for something good, a person. So who is it?"

"There isn't anybody," Jason continued to insist on the lie.

Roy let a teasing smirk appear on his face, "so I heard something wrong about you having a sister."

Jason slipped, "who told you."

The older man's eyes widened, "oh my god! He wasn't lying!" Jason's eyes widened as well, he slipped, such an easy thing to voice but he slipped, fuck.

"Shouldn't you be with Lian?" Jason mentioned the other guy's daughter to change the subject.

Unfortunately, Roy didn't take the bait, "she's with her nanny. So, who is it? Can you take me to her? Can I meet her? Is she hot? How old is she?"

Jason ignored Roy for the whole day and the next half of him pestering. Of course, Jason sent a text message to his sister informing him of his current position. She never responded and never replied. He started to worry and become paranoid. He forced himself to reason with himself and come up with excuses for her, she's probably sleeping, she's probably working late, she's probably busy, she's probably...

His excuses ran out, the patience of waiting for a reply ran thin, keeping his distance became hard.

He went back, with the intruder on his tail.

Unknown to him, there was another intruder days earlier.


Three days earlier, Danny had approached Jaylin with a request, "please pick up my brother from the university tomorrow?"

"Let me guess, you're too busy?" Jaylin asked.

Danny pointed at her with a grin, "and you don't care much about it."

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