A Lost Boy Celebration

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<3<3<3 indicates smut lol [if you read this and you know me irl, no you don't]

Pan's body had begun to glow, bathing him in a warm, golden light. He looked stronger, healthier. We watched as the golden light began to die back down to nothing. Pan looked down at himself, as if checking to see if the potion left a mark.

When he was done, he looked back up at us, utterly ecstatic. Some people were smiling for him, some looked as if they were ready to leave. Unable to contain myself, I ran to Pan, embracing him in a hug that lasted a very long time.

"Alright, let's wrap it up mates," Hook said. I smiled at him, and we all made our way back to the mouth of the skull. I summoned the boats back for everyone. Pan told them to meet us at the Lost Boy's camp, then took my hand and flew us into the air.

Yes, I may be the goddess of magic. Does that mean I've flown before? No, it doesn't. The sensation of gliding through the air and watching the trees below us was unforgettable. Seeing everything from this view, with Pan at my side was the most incredible experience I had felt.

As our short flight came to end, we circled our way down, landing right next to the brightly lit fire. The Lost Boys cheered at the sight of Pan, whooping and yelling like monkeys. It sort of made me laugh.

"Boys!" Pan shouted, spinning to see them all, "We did it! I'm immortal!" The boys cheered louder than they had before, almost rupturing my eardrums. Pan called for celebration, and soon the Lost Boys were chanting, banging sticks together, circling the fire. A typical Lost Boy party.

It wasn't long before the others joined. We greeted each other, enjoyed the Lost Boys dancing, ate a delicious pig, laughing and singing through the night.

The Storybrooke crew decided they would stay the night, and leave for home in the morning. Pan had some of the Lost Boys set up extra tents. He gave up his own tent for Emma and Henry.

"Where are we going to sleep?" I asked him. I would have loved to continue the party into the morning, but I knew I would crash if I tried. Pan gave me his devilish smirk, and I immediately knew he had planned this as soon as he had made it back to the campsite.

"I may or may not have a secret treehouse," He said, "It'll take a few minutes to walk there, but it will be perfect to spend the night in. Especially for our first night with us both being immortal." I knew exactly what he meant by that. I had left him before he was done once, and he wanted to finish the job.

We spent another hour or two at the party. The Lost Boys were slow to tire. It was funny to watch the others join in, seeing them try to learn the chants. The enchanted fire never shrinking once during the night.

Once Henry had drifted off on a log, others started to follow. Soon the party had finally finished, the Lost Boys either in their tents or sleeping on the ground. The adults were still awake, chatting about the past few days. Pan finally stood up.

"Alright, we're going to go to sleep. Enjoy your night everyone," He said. It was an unusually polite thing for him to do, and I could tell it pained him, but I also knew he wanted to be nice to the people who had just helped him achieve immortality.

With that, he grabbed my hand. I had expected we were going to fly again, but instead, he led me down a dark path. Even in the darkness I thought I recognized where we were going. It was the same path he had led me down to meet Henry.

We came up on the treehouse I had seen before, with its ladder in the trunk of the tree. He let me up the ladder first, and I entered into a cozy room. There was a table and a small kitchen on one side, a bed on the other. There was also a bookshelf and a rocking chair against the wall.

Pan had set up the treehouse the same way his room at the blacksmith had been set up. It brought back many memories, being in a place so similar.

"I thought you'd recognize it," He said, startling me out of the trance I had been in. I turned to face him, tears filling my eyes. "I'm sorry," I apologized, "I should have told you I had to leave. I shouldn't have just disappeared. I wish I never had to, but I was so scared to tell you I had to leave..."

He silenced my rambling with a soft, gentle kiss. It was satisfying, being with him again. The real him, not the evil one. I never imagined I would have this again. I never imagined that he could forgive me, that he could love me again.


This time, when he pulled me in, it felt right. We were on the same side now, fighting only for each other. Everything I had been holding back seemed to flow out of me in an instant.

He kissed me roughly, his tongue begging for entry in my mouth, my lips parting to let him in. Soon, the kisses weren't enough, and he started biting and sucking his way down my neck, hitting my sweet spots, earning small moans from me. That only made him want more.

He quickly ripped off my shirt and undid my bra. his biting and sucking continued further down to my breasts, one at a time. When he had had enough, his lips were back on mine again, and we fell into the bed.

With him on top of me, he continued to trail kisses down my stomach, taking us right back to where we had ended it last time. He looked up at me for permission before sliding off my pants and underwear.

"Wait no fair," I said, "How come you're still fully clothed?" With his devilish smirk, he snapped his fingers and appeared in nothing but his boxers.

Satisfied, I let him continue.

I knew he wasn't going to tease me. He wanted this as much as I did, maybe even more. With another snap, his boxers were gone, revealing his hard dick.

With a quick motion, he was inside me, thrusting slowly at first, then quicker as the pain subsided into pleasure. It went like this for a while, us moaning each other's names. Since we were both immortal, we had incredible stamina.

All too quickly, though, I felt a knot in my stomach start to tighten. His thrusts were getting sloppy as well, we were both on our edges. We continued until we both felt the pleasure of the release.

With finishing, he laid down next to me, both of us panting from exertion. Under the sheets, he took my hand and I cuddled close to him. It was something we had used to do all those years ago.

With me in his arms, we quickly fell asleep. It was blissful, the most undisturbed sleep I had had in years. I never wanted to wake up.

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