A Double Announcement ~The Epilogue

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Three months later...

I was utterly shocked. It had been hundreds of years, I had faced thousands of worse battles, and yet I stood there completely unable to comprehend it.

"Darling, the Charming's just called, I can't believe I figured out the damn phone thing. They told us to meet everyone at Granny's-" Pan's eyes grew just as big, if not bigger than mine. "Wha- huh? I- um..." He stood in the doorway stuttering over his words.

"Well," I said, "I guess now's a good a time as any to tell everyone." I placed the plastic stick on the sink of the bathroom, grabbed my belongings, and we started out towards Granny's.


When I walked into the diner with Pan, there were much more people than I had been expecting. To my knowledge, we were having a nice small family lunch. I guess I had forgotten that Snow and David were king and queen. 

Snow was practically glowing as Pan and I slid into the booth across from her, David, and Emma. Rumple, Neal, and Henry stood at the bar, no doubt ordering some hot chocolates. We made small talk for a while as more and more people entered the diner. When Snow seemed satisfied, she stood up and hit her spoon against the glass of her cup.

"Thank you all so much for being here!" She addressed the people, "Today is very special, because David and I have an announcement!" I shared a look with Pan, we could tell where this was going.

"David and I are expecting!" She cried. There were cheers and laughter and excitement. The people of Storybrooke seemed very excited to congratulate their queen. Hidden behind the crowd, I tapped Emma on the shoulder. 

"What's up?" She asked, a smile still on her face as she turned from her parents to me. I pulled her into me so she could hear what I said over the yells. "Pan and I have an announcement as well," I told her.

"You're not leaving us for the other gods, are you?" She inquired. I laughed, "No, no, nothing like that. Actually, our announcement is the same as your parents."

Realization slowly dawned on her face, "You're pregnant too? Well this calls for some drinks! None for you, of course," She joked. She must have said it loud enough for people to hear, because the diner was once again flooded with cries and screams of excitement.

I went down the line, hugging and accepting congrats. I quickly moved away from the Charming's (They were already trying to schedule playdates). "As long as this one doesn't become a Dark One, they're okay with me," Regina said after a quick hug.

"I'm going to have a sibling," Rumple said in disbelief, "I'm over 300 years old and I'm going to have a sibling..." I laughed at him, and this continued for what felt like hours.


"It's fool proof, m'lady. Two chances, two babies at our disposal. And they suspect nothing."

"Thank you, Walsh. You know what to do." Zelena hung up the call, a malicious smile on her face.

THANK YOU FOR READING!! I lost my motivation to write a while back, but I forced my self to push through and I finally finished! I doubt I will make a second book, unless this gets a lot of attention, so for now this is the end (plus the fandom is almost dead). I hope you enjoyed!

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