Docking the Jolly Roger

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I apologize deeply to all my readers about my slow updates lately. I just got out of school for the year so hopefully I can focus on this more. I will be on vacation this next week, though, but I will try to upload

It was now the second day of travel. Hook said it wouldn't be much longer until we reached Storybrooke. I entered the main deck to find Pan by himself, something that I hadn't seen yet on the ship. I walked over to him.

He was standing at the side of the ship, overlooking the sea below. But his eyes weren't really seeing it, they were dull and shadowed, like he was deep in thought. I placed my hand on his shoulder, pulling him back to reality.

He looked at me, and I could sense a bit of fear inside him. "The Lost Boys have spent many years without adults to tell them what to do. I don't think they are ready for such a sudden change," He said. I could tell as he spoke that that wasn't the real reason he was acting like this. I gave him a look that said I could see through his facade.

He sighed a little, looking back out into the horizon. "Fine," He said, "I'm not ready. At least, I don't think I am. I enjoyed life in Neverland. I can't imagine going back to a normal life." I leaned into him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Well, you aren't really going back to a normal life. You are immortal now," I said.

He placed his head in the nape of my neck, and we stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the sunrise together. I imagined spending the rest of our long lives like this. The feeling was pure bliss.

The loud noise of the captain's quarter door swinging open made us jump, and we turned around to see Hook running for the wheel of the boat, which had previously been steering itself. The noise must have woken up others on the ship because not so shortly after, people were entering the deck with confused faces.

It wasn't until Hook spotted Emma amongst the crowd that he shouted these two words:

"Land Ho!"


We had finally gotten the Jolly Roger into the water. It had taken all the Lost Boys to make it happen, as the wind kept blowing us off the path. Hook had dropped the anchor and placed down a piece of wood that connected the ship with the docks.

Waiting for us on the beach was an incredible amount of people. It seemed as though the whole town had gathered to welcome everyone. Pan and I, along with the Lost Boys, had not expected this many people. We all grew visibly nervous.

"Don't worry," Snow said in her naturally cheery voice, "They'll love you guys!" She then proceeded to step off the ship into a wave of cheers and hugs. Charming followed, and soon so did everyone else. Pan and I were the last ones off.

It was obvious that the townsfolk had not expected a large group of boys to come back with them, but their focus changed from the Lost Boys to Pan and I when we got off the ship. "Who are all these kids?" An older woman asked. "And what are you going to do with them?" A short grumpy looking man asked after her.

The crowd of people started murmuring. I began to feel self conscious of my young mortal form. Rumple stepped to the center of the crowd, which effectively shushed them. "These boys have been living on the island without adult care for decades. We thought that Blue and her nuns could take care of them."

On the opposite side of the circle, I saw Blue nod her head enthusiastically. "Okay, what about those two?" The grumpy man asked. Rumple turned to us. For a second, I expected him to lie or make something up about us being Lost Boys as well.

"This is Peter Pan and the goddess Hecate," Rumple said, turning to face the townsfolk before finishing his sentence, "They are my parents."

At this, people gasped. There whispers all throughout the crowd. I managed to hear a few of them, "Why are they so young?" and "Rumple is part god?" were both commonly said.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously, whilst Pan rubbed the back of his neck. The people continued to give us confused looks. Some people looked angry, some looked as though they had been enlightened.

It has been a long time since I had stood in front of such a large, mortal crowd. I knew I shouldn't feel self conscious of my godly self, but that didn't stop me.

After what seemed like hours, when it had only been a few seconds, Rumple finally continued, "They helped save Henry, the least we could do was bring them back here."

I could tell it didn't hurt Rumple to lie like this, and it surprised me. All Pan had done was try to kill Henry. All I had done was get in the way. But for some reason, I felt as though Rumple's lies made me feel better about everything we had been through.

Eventually, the focus shifted off of us, and the townsfolk went back to greeting everyone again. Pan and I stood awkwardly without even the Lost Boys to talk to. Blue and her nuns had already begun to take care of the boys, brushing twigs out of their hair, and wiping dirt from their faces.

Through the crowd, though, Rumple pushed through, followed by a beautiful young woman, whom I didn't recognize. "Mother, father," Rumple said, wrapping his arm around the woman, "This is Belle, my girlfriend."

I was taken aback at first, but quickly smiled, and shook her hand. "It's very nice to meet you," She said with a thick Australian accent. I nodded and said, "It's nice to meet you too."

Belle was a very polite woman, as well as a very kind one. I studied her as she shook Pan's hand, imagining how someone so cheery fell for my son, the exact opposite of cheery.

She very quickly turned back to me after greeting Pan. "So, you're the goddess Hecate? I've read so much about you! Is it true you work in the Underworld? What is it like down there?"

Belle continued to ask me questions, and I gladly answered them. In those moments, I fell in love with Belle, and knew she had my blessing to marry Rumple one day.


After everyone had reunited, the Lost Boys had left with the nuns, and it was only the adventurers I had gotten to know left on the dock, Regina came to talk to Pan and I.

"As you may know," She began, "I am the mayor of Storybrooke. I know that both of you are much too old to be put in the care of Blue and her nuns, so I decided to lend you an apartment for two months. That should give you both time to find work to pay rent."

Speechless, all I could do was nod as Regina said goodbye to the others and led us away from the dock and into town. It was only a 10 minute walk before we got to the apartment homes.

Regina led us inside, and up stairs two floors, and finally came to a stop outside of a door painted green. She summoned up two keys, handing one to me and one to Pan.

"Here we are," She said, "Room 303. The Chamings live down the hall, so if you need anything, feel free to bother them, not me." Still speechless, I managed a small wave goodbye as Regina left us alone to enter the apartment.

"This is it," Pan said, and I looked at him, "The start of our new lives." I held his hand, and with his free one, he put the key in the door and opened it.

I know it was such a weird thing for us to hype up, but it meant a lot to us. We were both finally together again, reunited with our son, and now we had a home that we could share for as long as we wanted. Well, as long as we could pay for.

The apartment was very cozy, with a nice kitchen and living room, a quaint bathroom, and a luxurious bedroom. We immediately made ourselves at home, plopping down on the soft couch.

We stayed there together for a little, enjoying the moment like we had on the ship. It gave me another peaceful feeling inside, it warmed me.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang unexpectedly.

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