chapter 3: hostage negotiations gone wrong. Edwards escape attempt.

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Alphonse and Edward were currently locked up in a prison cell with alchemy circles all around them.

It didn't take Edward long to realize that the cell they were put in was specifically designed to keep them contained while also draining any attempt to use alchemy from them.

Edward then looked above. beneath. Behind and all around them and realized that they were caught in an endless loop of teleportation circles.

 Behind and all around them and realized that they were caught in an endless loop of teleportation circles

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Along with multiple alchemy gateway circles as well.

Along with multiple alchemy gateway circles as well

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Edward then said.

"Well damn it all Alphonse this is your fault you know. Your the one who volunteered us as hostages in the first place. So what's your plan for us to escape this prison cell???.

If we used alchemy to break out no matter what we do those teleportation circles will just send us right back in here.

And and attempt to force our way out with alchemy would be a wasted effort because of those alchemy gateway circles. We're stuck in between a rock and a hard place right now with no help at all."

And Al said.

"Perhaps that's the whole point of these circles brother. Perhaps they were meant as containment only.

Keeping us from getting out without some sort of alchemic key. The circles around us are so intricately designed that it's probably better we wait to be set free instead of breaking out of here.

Like you said. We'd just get pulled right back inside. No matter what we do we can't escape if we can't use alchemy to break out. The cell door also has an alchemy circle on it.

That's the biggest issue of all.
The one on the door is designed to draw in and absorb alchemic energy depending on the amount of energy output depends on how stronger that Lock is and how much more durable this entire prison cell becomes.

I don't think even major Armstrong would be able to break out of something this complex and well thought-out. Even teacher would be impressed. Which reminds me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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