Suspicions Confirmed.

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Chapter 4:

Sophia's POV:

It was lunch and I was sitting with Jayden and Emily.

"I heard you were late for class, someone's being a badass", he says. I laugh.

"Yeah I got sick again and I missed five minutes of class. Thankfully Mrs Hayes didn't mind", I say, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"I think you should go home and get some rest. Then you might get better", he says.

"I'm fine, I don't actually feel sick it's just I puke from time to time". Emily looks at me and I know what she's thinking. It must be morning sickness. I can't be, he obviously wore a condom he's not that stupid. Looks like I'll find out later on today. After school Emily and I walk to the drug store. There was so many to choose from.

"Which one?" she asks. I shrug. She randomly picks one and I pay for it. I hide it in my bag and we walk back to my house. When we reach my house we go up to my bedroom. I take it out of my bag and look at it for a while. "You gonna take it?" I nod and stand up. "Soph you know that whatever it says we're here for you".

"Thanks". She smiles. I walk into my bathroom and take it out of its packaging. Pretty simple, all I had to do was pee on it. I come back out and sit on the bed beside her.

"You have nothing to worry about", she assures me. Please god, I hope so. A few minutes later I get the result. It shocked me, I didn't expect it to say this. How can a result on a stick change a person's life completely.

"Except this", I say, tears starting to form. It was positive. I was pregnant with Jake Campbell's baby. "What am I going to do?" I shout.

"Calm down, everything's going to be okay. Like I said, we're here for you me, James, Jayden, Zach, your parents, everyone is". My parents are going to kill me, probably disown me. My brothers won't ever talk to me and eventually neither will Jayden and Emily. They don't want a friend who's pregnant. "Who's the father?"

"Jake, he's the only guy I've slept with", I say through tears and she brings me into a hug.

"Everything's going to fine, Sophia, I promise. And Jake, he'll be there for you too", she adds, which I laugh at.

"Yeah I'm sure he will, we're not even going out. He's not going to be there, we both know that". She sighs. I knew she was lying.

"Think about it, in eight month's time, there's going to be a little baby here. Your baby, Soph, doesn't that make you feel a bit better? You're going to be a mom", she announces excitedly. Yes, a baby who will need constant care. A poor baby who's going to have the worst mother ever.

"I'm 16", I whisper.

"I know, there's going to be some bumps along the road but we'll get through them together I promise". She smiles at me. I hug her tight.

"I don't know what I'll do without you Ems", I say. She wipes my tears away.

"I wouldn't know what to do without you too Soph". Her phone rings and she answers it. "Hello". "Am...yeah". "Okay bye". She hangs up. "Sophia I'm so sorry but my Mom wants me back".

"It's fine, thanks for cheering me up".

"Are you going to be all right?" she asks. I nod. "Okay, you take care okay. If you need to talk ring me okay, I'll text you later. Bye". I wave goodbye and she leaves the room. I put the pregnancy test in my bin. I go over to the mirror and wipe my face. It was still obvious I had been crying. I put my hand on my flat stomach. That was my little baby, growing inside me.

"Mommy promises everything's going to fine little baby". I rub my stomach. I don't know what I was expecting, the baby to kick or something. I was acting so stupid. The baby's not even the size of a pea yet and I was hoping for a kick. I quickly take my hand off my belly and leave the room. I go into the living room and sit beside Zach. He looks at me with concern.

"Have you been crying?" he asks. I forgot my eyes were still red.

"No", I lie, not looking him in the eye or else he would know I'm lying.

"Soph, what's happened?" he asks, pulling me into a hug. He was really sweet when he wasn't an ass. He holds me and I cry into his chest. I was getting his top wet but he didn't care. He strokes my cheek. "Hey, tell me". I was shaking in his arms. I can't tell him, I still had to get used to it myself. "Sophia".

"I'm pregnant", I whisper. His eyes go wide. I start crying harder and he holds me.

"Shh, Soph, it's okay", he repeats over and over. It wasn't okay, my life was ruined. I'm pregnant at 16! And it's the school's player's baby. I calm down and stop crying. "Tell me everything".

"Last month at that party I went to, I didn't stay over at Emily's I stayed over at Jake's house and we ended up sleeping together and now I'm having his baby", I say, whispering the last bit.

"Are you keeping it?" Of course I'm keeping it, I'm not going to kill my own baby. I know I was young but I wasn't a murderer.

"Of course I am, how could you ask that", I shout. I was really hurt.

"I didn't mean abortion I meant adoption". I think about that. My baby will go to someone who wanted one and they will grow up with a better life. But then again it was my baby, I loved them I can't give them up, no matter how much I wasn't ready.

"No, I'm keeping it". He sighs.

"Okay, who knows?"

"Emily, you and me", I say. He nods.

"And you're four weeks". I nod. "When did you find out?"

"I took a test a few minutes ago. Please don't tell anyone".

"I promise I won't, if you tell mom and dad soon".

"Okay, thanks". He smiles.

"I'm here for you big sis". I smile at him. "Looks like you're going to be getting a lot bigger", he smirks.

"Yeah", I smile. He places his hand on my belly.

"I know I don't say it often but I love you Sophia, you're my sister and you've been there for me all the time. I care about you and I know I have a funny way of showing it. I'm sorry for being such an ass a lot of the time. Now it's my turn to repay you for being there for me."

"I love you too li'l brother". I kiss him on the cheek and he chuckles. James comes in when I kiss him on the cheek.

"Aw look at my li'l brother and sister", James smirks. I laugh as Zach throws a pillow at James' head.

"Fuck you James", Zach mutters.

"Language", James warns. Zach mutters something under his breath. James and I laugh. I don't know what I'll do without these guys. I rest my head on Zach's shoulder and he squeezes my hand. James looks at us curiously. "Hmm what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing", I say quickly. Fortunately he stopped looking at us like that. I can't let him find out about my pregnancy, he's going to freak unlike Zach who took it pretty well.

Okay, you guys have been commenting for a new chapter, so here it is! I probably won't be able to do a new one till next week, I have three other stories and I have school work. So sorry guys, hope you can forgive me! Hope you all had a good day!

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