Baby Shower.

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Chapter 31:

Sophia's POV:

I awake to find Jake's right arm under my waist, pulling me closer to him. He places his head on my belly, while stroking it at the same time with his left hand. He places several small, dry kisses around my belly button.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" he breaths lightly in my ear, making me shiver with pleasure. My smile widens slightly.

"Morning, baby!" He always wakes me up in the sweetest ways possible. As I lie peacefully on our bed, I feel his soft, delicate fingers running down my belly with feather like touches and his lips brush across my shoulder lightly, his breath making me tingle all over. I look down at him and lace my fingers through his before looking into his eyes. He gazes deeply into my eyes and at that moment, I could see the man he is inside. The man I am so deeply in love with, the man who is so sweet, kind, caring, understanding, talented and absolutely perfect. Words cannot describe how much I love him.

He buries his face in my neck, wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. His face leans closer to my lips. He smiles and tilts his head. Then, ever so softly, his lips kiss mine. He presses forward and his lips touch my lips again. Still captivated by his eyes, I turn just a bit to see his eyes better. His lips brush against mine with the softness of a feather. My lips tingle and my stomach flutters with excitement. Nothing exists but him at the moment.

My heart races and I stare at him with love on my face and in my eyes. Every kiss always makes me flutter with excitement, I love being in love. He chuckles at me and smiles. Those beautiful dimples melt my heart every time. He strokes my belly one last time and wraps both arms around me. I feel so protected and loved in his arms that I never want to leave.

"I love you," he whispers and I grin with happiness. My life is fulfilled. "How are you today?"

"Great and you?" I ask.

"Amazing, I'm so happy to be finishing school today, finally the holidays are here."

"I know, now I can stay in bed all day starting from tonight." Jake chuckles and lifts his body up, stretching his arms and rotating his head and neck.

"We better get ready," he notes, getting out of the bed and going over to my side of the bed. I lie up and place my feet on the floor. Jake takes my back and arms and pulls me up slowly. I thank him and we get ready for school. He guides me down the stairs and we sit down to have our breakfast.

"Finally, Summer time," Zach exclaims with joy, "Woo-hoo!" He throws his hands up to the air and shakes them wildly.

"Zach, can you get me some cold water? It's really warm," I request, waving a newspaper in my face to try to cool me down. The Summer heat is making my pregnancy even harder.

"Lazy-ass," Zach mumbles. Zoey hits him with a cloth and places a cold glass of water in front of me.

"There you go, sweetie, and shut up, Zach, she's just turned thirty five weeks, the heat is tough on her," Zoey reminds, running a hand down my swollen belly.

"Thank you, Zoey," I say, sticking my tongue out at Zach. "I'm going for a nap later," I yawn.

"You should go back to bed. You don't need to come in today, it's the last day of school," Jake proposes.

"I'll be fine, I'll have one as soon as I get home," I promise.

"I don't know, I think you should go to sleep, you look tired," Jake declares, stroking my cheek. "You and the babies need the rest."

"Honestly, I'll be fine, baby," I assure him.

"Okay, if you're sure. Are you all ready?" Jake questions Zach and I.

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