Tough Situation.

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Chapter 18:

Sophia's POV:

It was lunch and Jake had a big football match. He was a bit nervous but he had nothing to worry about. The school team always wins and he's the best player.

"Wish me luck babies", Jake says to my 16 week big bump then kisses it two times.

"You don't need luck, you're going to be great", I assure him. We make out until his coach calls him. "Don't worry".

"I love you", he says, kissing my cheek. He runs over to his team mates and I go sit back down beside Jayden and Emily. The whistle goes signalling the match has started. I shout Jake's name and he looks over and smiles at me. The match goes by quite quickly. "Come on Jakey".

"I've never seen you so enthusiastic about a match before", Emily says.

"That's because her boyfriend is playing", Jayden grins. Jake scores a goal and I stand up and cheer like everyone else. "You should stay seated and rest".

"But I want to cheer on Jake".

"He knows you are cheering him on, but you should stay siting instead of getting up and down again", he says. I know he was just looking after me but it was a bit annoying getting told what to do. I reluctantly sit back down. "Sorry, I just don't want you hurting yourself and neither does Jake". I smile, I know. I rest my head into his chest and he puts his arms around me. It was nice cuddling with Jayden. I hadn't spent much time with them as I used to. We all spend time with Jake and his friends who were our friends now too but not just the three of us.

"You guys know I love you both, don't ye?" I ask, looking at them.

"Of course we do Soph, and we love you too", she says. I smile and cuddle into Jayden more. He rests his hand on the side of my bump and gently caresses it. Emily cheers Charlie's name.

"Oh I think someone's got something going on for Charlie", I smirk.

"No I don't", she says quickly.

" sure? You said that awfully quick", he says, smirking too. She goes red. "Oh my god, you do?"

"No". We look at her. She sighs. "Okay maybe a bit".

"Wow, wait you like Charlie?" I ask.

"Don't tell him or anyone else, got it", she says. We promise her we won't say a word. The last whistle goes. We won, yay! Jayden wasn't going to stop me from cheering now. Jake runs over to me and spins me around while we make out.

"Hello my little good luck charm", he whispers in my ear. I giggle. "Well my big good luck charm", he says, rubbing my bump. I hit him playfully and he laughs. I'm not that big. "Did you have lunch?"

"Yeah, while we were watching the match". He kisses me again.

"Come on dude", Alex says.

"See you later", I say. He smiles and gives me a quick kiss. He goes into the dressing room with the others. I check my watch, ten minutes left till class starts. Jayden, Emily and I decide to go to class early. We all had Home Ec. now so we're in the same class.

Jake's POV:

After having a quick shower, the guys and I go to our lockers.

"Jakey", I hear a familiar voice say. Sophia only called me that, it only sounded nice when she said it. I turn around. Ugh, what?

"What do you want Elena", I ask.

"Jakey, I need to tell you something", she says, rushing over to us.

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