fourteen | close up

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{ close up }
- a shot taken from an incredibly close distance to the subject - a part of the body or a single object. used to make the audience focus on one thing and to emphasize importance

 used to make the audience focus on one thing and to emphasize importance

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"Next up, we have Milo and Reese singing Need You Now by Lady A!"

The familiar slow song blares through the speakers that are in desperate need of replacing. This hadn't been my first choice - or any choice - but Milo played an interesting case that I just couldn't say no to.

In reality, it turned to me flipping to a random page and picking the first song I pointed to; my indecisiveness giving both the karaoke moderator and my friend beside me a migraine.

Cheers rise from the crowd as I sing the opening verse. It's been years since I last listened to it, but the words flow out of me as if I just listened to it yesterday, the lyrics popping up from a forgotten file in my brain.

"And I don't know how I can do without. I just need you now."

I continue to grip my mic as I wait for Milo to take the next verse. Awkwardly, I pat my thigh in tune with the beat, keeping my eyes up and over the front table where Maia and Lennon are sitting.

I blame it on the shots of tequila and whatever the hell was in Maia's drink for my courage to sing karaoke tonight. I've never sang karaoke - aside from those versions on YouTube of popular songs I'd sing when no one was home. I had dreams of becoming a professional singer, performing concerts in my bedroom with my Hannah Montana microphone that would end as soon as someone opened the door. I'd sing in the shower, in the car, while I was mowing the lawn, but onstage - where people could hear and see me - was something I heavily avoided.

Until now, apparently.

With shaking hands, Milo grabs the mic, holding it as close to his lips as Lennon does. But at least Lennon sounds good. "Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door..."

His voice isn't as dreadful as Lennon made it out to be, a bit of autotune and some singing lessons would clean that right up. However, it is unpleasant to listen to even with a slight buzz and I honestly can't see myself listening to this song again after this night.

I know I'm no Ariana Grande but...

Milo's definitely no Joe Jonas.

Our shitty voices take a stab at harmonizing when the pre-chorus hits, finding each other's eyes over our mics. "For me it happens all the time." He flashes me his brightest grin as he steps back, leaving the floor open for me to take over the chorus once again.

My eyes make the dreadful mistake of glancing toward the front row. Maia and Lennon have moved from their seats, standing at the edge of the stage as if they were sitting front row to our concert.

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