11. Secrets

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My thoughts were swirling so quickly in my head that it was hard to follow them. I couldn't understand what had happened in the short time that she went to get us drinks that had led to the anger and disappointment that were written across her face. Knots formed at the pit of my stomach from the uneasy feeling that whatever it was, it was definitely not good.


"That's Scarlett to you, you arsehole." Her sharp tone made my bear and me wince. The rejection and coldness that she exuded were nothing like the closeness that we built just moments earlier.

I took a handful of napkins from the table and wiped the sticky cocktail from my face, carefully considering my next words. "Look, you have to help me out here because I am at a loss as to why you are angry with me."

"I bet you are. Well then, let me help you out." Anger like sharp barbs formed on her words. "Did you or did you not sleep with my best friend?"

What the hell! What brought that on?

It was not that this was something that I was going to hide from her or that I planned to lie to her about but it was certainly not a matter that I intended to discuss at this point. She needed first to understand that we were mates and that nothing that happened before mattered. No one mattered but HER. I was certain that this was also how Riley felt about her mates.

My eyes searched for Flame's. She stood tall next to me, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her lips pursed. Her breathing grew heavier, louder, as her impatience for my answer grew. I didn't want to keep her waiting but I was unsure what to say so that things didn't get worse.

"It's not what you think."

"Oh, it's not?" Her biting sarcasm was like a jagged blade. "So you are not trying to hit on me and get me into bed after you fucked my best friend? What, you have a thing for screwing friends or something?"

"What? No!" I tried to protest but she didn't seem willing to listen. "You don't understand. It's not like that at all."

"And to think that I actually let my guard down with you today. I told you things that most people don't know about me." She spat out the words with such disgust, like they left a bitter taste in her mouth. But it was the regret in her voice that cut me deep.

I hated this. I hated that she felt this way and that I was the cause for it, even if it was not intended. Most of all, I hated that I couldn't do anything to make it better- I couldn't change the past.

"Scarlett, please let me explain," I pleaded with her.

"It is a simple question, Callum. Did you or did you not sleep with Riley recently? And I do not want to hear anything other than the answer."

I took a deep breath in and looked her straight in the eyes as I braced myself for the fallout. "I did."

The heavy sigh that escaped her beautiful lips pained me. She swallowed hard before she gritted her teeth. Her gentle hands clenched into tight firsts.

I wanted to explain but the slow, disbelieving head shake she gave me stopped me.

"Don't. Just don't," she said, emphasizing each word as she held her hand up. "Don't say anything. Don't come after me. And don't ever contact me again." Resolve and anger were wrapped in her instructions.

I watched as my mate turned on her heels and scurried out of the terrace as she left the pub.

Go after her, Callum. Fix this! Mahon roared through our mind-link. She is hurting! Our mate is in pain and we have to make it better.

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