35. Fortiores Una

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"I'm so sorry," I mumbled, my face feeling impossibly hot by now, even though I tried to maintain my calm. "I thought you were someone else."

"I figured as much," the stranger chuckled, clearly amused by the whole situation, much to my chagrin. I swallowed the lump of embarrassment stuck in my throat and finally took a proper look at him. "But if it makes you feel better, even since I got here today, I've heard quite a few times that I resemble a local bear Alpha quite a lot."

In my defence, he was right- Callum and he looked very much alike, although my mate was way better looking and sexier. His eyes though- they reminded me so much of Callum that the familiarity I got from him was unnerving. The fact that others saw the resemblance in their looks reassured me that I wasn't just a terrible mate, but the awkwardness over the whole thing was very real.

"I have to admit," the man continued, "that this is the first time today that I envy this Alpha, and that's because he has a beautiful mate," he said and brought my hand to his lips for a polite kiss.

In another life, I would have found this flattering, probably would have even flirted back because he was objectively a very handsome man. But not in this one.

"I...How did you-"

"Know?" If his forehead could project his thoughts in writing, it probably would have said something along the lines of 'Oh, please.' "Well, for one, all the signs for a claimed and marked mate are there." He glanced at my exposed thigh with a smirk. "And the brooch on your waist is a bear sleuth crest, so it was easy to put two and two together."

He was observant, I could give him that much but then again, Callum had also made sure that the whole world knew I was off-limits.

"A human mate...that's interesting."

His remark caught me off guard. For most parts, I had forgotten that humans were not really present at shifter events. I couldn't quite figure out if he meant it in a bad way, no matter how much I studied his face. His smile seemed genuine enough, friendly even, but there was no way of knowing what was hiding beneath.

"Is it a problem?" I challenged him, ready to fight my corner now that my earlier embarrassment had disappeared.

His head shook in response. "Not at all. My sleuth down in Cambridgeshire is quite forward-thinking on such matters. I genuinely meant that this is very interesting—a bear Alpha with a human mate, a fascinating pair. And I have no doubts that for the Sun Goddess to decide to match you, she has great expectations for the two of you. Especially from such an enchanting Luna as you, Miss..."

I wasn't sure how to answer because I did not want him to think for a second that I was leading him on, but I didn't want to be rude either. "Scarlett."

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." My face scrunched up at the compliment. "Don't worry- I am not hitting on you. I know better than to piss off your mate. But a compliment has to be given where it's due."

I realised that the whole encounter had taken way too long, and now I was itching to find Callum and to be in his arms rather than to be making small talk with a stranger.

"Well, it was nice, even somewhat embarrassing, to meet you-"

"Will," he interrupted. "Will Cooper from the Green Valley sleuth."

"It was nice to meet you, Will, but I really have to go and find my mate now. Enjoy the ceremony." And with that, I turned on my heels and headed for the doughnut stand in the far distance. If nothing else, a sugary treat was going to provide me with the right amount of sweetness to forget about this whole moment.

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