The Devil Inside

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Elena's face was tight, her breathing was rapid rather than relaxed, and her expression changed just the slightest bit the second Abigail knelt next to her bed. She didn't need to see any of those things to know that she was pretending to be asleep, she'd always been able to tell. Still, she ran her hand gently down her arm as if she was waking her up.

"Time to wake up, sleepyhead."

"No," Elena sighed. "I'm not leaving this bed."

She looked over her shoulder at Bonnie and Caroline who were smiling, wide and bright, right down at the table they'd dragged into the room. "Which is why we brought breakfast to you."

Elena opened her eyes slowly. "What's all this?"

"This is your breakup breakfast!" Caroline exclaimed.

"My what?"

"Your breakup breakfast. With alcohol." She poured the slightest bit of orange juice into four glasses of champagne. "He did say, and I quote, 'I'm a bad person. I am bad for you. And I'm choosing to let you go.'"

"You memorized my breakup?"

"Of course, I did."

Elena took a sip off of the top of her glass. "When Damon makes up his mind about something, it's done."

"So, that's it?" Bonnie asked. "You're giving up?"

Caroline looked at her as if it should have been obvious. "As she should!"

Abigail sat down cross legged on the end of Elena's bed. "Caroline..."

When Elena's phone rang, Caroline picked it up. "It's Stefan."

"Tell him I don't feel like talking."

Abigail looked to Bonnie. "She doesn't feel like talking."

Bonnie looked to Caroline. "She doesn't feel like talking."

And Caroline delivered the message to Stefan, "She doesn't feel like talking."

"Well, she's going to want to talk about this."

The first two words they heard when they walked into the boarding house were, "Group shot!" They followed them into the library where Damon, Jeremy, and Matt were surrounded by shot glasses and bottles of liquor.


Matt looked over his shoulder. "We were just-"

Abigail sat down between Jeremy and Damon. "It is very clear what you're doing."

"You're cut off, Jeremy. If anyone is drinking to Katherine's last days, it's going to be me." Elena took a shot. "She impersonated me. Repeatedly."

"She made Aunt Jenna stab herself in the stomach." Abigail took one shot and then another. "And she cut off Uncle John's fingers."

Jeremy shrugged. "He might have deserved that."

"My Grams died trying to close a tomb she wasn't in," Bonnie said.

"Tyler's werewolf curse got triggered because of her." Caroline filled two shot glasses. "And she did kill me, although I'm weirdly better off."

"Klaus followed her to Mystic Falls, and because of that I turned into a vampire, we lost Jenna, and..." Abigail gave up on her shot glass completely. "Alaric."

When she pulled the bottle from her lips, Matt stood up. "We're going to need more booze."

Elena took his place as he walked out of the room. "She tried to kill me at least twice."

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