Live Through This

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"Dear Elena, I took the cure. I told you I was going to in person first, I just thought you should know that, and then Tyler took you away. I don't know where you are. I don't think I ever will. All I know is that if I have learned anything in the months that you have been in that coffin it is that I can't let life slip through my fingertips. Because you were right, it wasn't too late, and I don't want to question that ever again."

The sun had not risen, leaving the apartment still and dark. There was a small reading light Abigail won in a drawing her first semester at Whitmore illuminating the pages of her journal, but it was not bright enough to stir Alaric awake. Still, he rolled over to face her as if he knew she was sitting up against the headboard.

"As you read this, as you read these journals, I want you to know that I lived my life exactly the way I wanted. So, thank you. Thank you for everything."

She closed her journal with a smile, a smile that she turned onto the man sleeping next to her. There wasn't long until either of them had somewhere to be, but she laid back down. She traced a pattern up and down his arm, one that was meant to wake him slowly. Then he was smiling too.

Bonnie knocked on her own dorm room door. "Is it safe to enter or is your boyfriend still half-naked under the sheets?"

Abigail laughed. "I don't think my human eyes could handle that."

Caroline pulled open the door with a groan. "God, I'm a roommate horror story!"

"Please! At least your bed has seen a half-naked male all semester. I think Ms. Cuddles is starting to feel sorry for me. I mean, look at her! Do you see how she's judging me?" Bonnie picked up Ms. Cuddles and moved her arms as if she was the one talking. "'I need man-help.'"

"While my advice may be limited, I'm willing to give it." Abigail sat down next to Caroline. "I mean, after all, I've finally, and I mean finally, got it right."

"Well, don't look at me for advice," Caroline said. "My boyfriend may be able to touch me now, but I just sent him to spend the day with his first love."

Propping Ms. Cuddles up across from Abigail, Bonnie sat down across from Caroline. "Wow. You're either completely insane or the most secure woman in the world."

"I want him to work things out with her. He has this habit of bottling up all his hurt feelings, and I think it would be really good for him if they could just clear away all the 19th-century drama so they can get on with their lives." Caroline motioned in front of her. "Clean slate."

Bonnie nodded. "Most secure woman it is. I'm officially inspired!"

"So, Abigail..." Caroline took her hand. "How does it feel?"

"Finite." Her laughter faded in a joyful way, leaving her with a wide smile. "It's like a weight has been lifted off of my chest."

"I do miss seeing that custom made daylight ring on your finger." Bonnie crossed the room to pack her grimoire and a couple of books into her bag. "Although, I'm sure it's nice not to have to wear it all the time."

"I mean, it's different. I'm slower. I'm weaker. I don't have healing abilities. I don't have super senses. I can't compel anyone." She walked to the windows, her voice as light as her steps. "But it's pretty much the greatest feeling in the world."

"Well, I for one have never seen you like this," Caroline said. "So, what are you guys doing today? Going out to find Bonnie a guy?"

"No. We're going to bring Jo back to life and then I'm going to Mystic Falls to discuss magic with a Heretic I just brought back to life." Bonnie sighed. "Maybe I'll meet a guy after that."

Whatever It Takes {Two | Alaric Saltzman}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora