Christmas Through Your Eyes

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"Hey, Dad!" The hot chocolate in her hand was exactly the way she knew he would want it, so, although she'd made it for herself, she passed it to him. "Is Mom on her way?"

"She and Jenna aren't going to come until later."


"Don't worry, sweetheart." His eyes swept the citizens gathered for the Christmas festivities in the Square. "They would never miss this."

Just as she added marshmallows to her cup, a snowball hit her from behind.

"Sorry," Bonnie said. "Had to."

"You know you just declared war, right?"

"Well, I guess it's a good thing your parents gave you your car early because there is no way you'd be able to run from me without it."

She raised her eyebrows. "Want to bet?"

"Come on." Bonnie linked their arms. "Caroline claims that you haven't threaded nearly enough popcorn."

As soon as they were in front of them, Caroline said, "My dad isn't coming. Which means the Lockwood's are going to make a show of putting the star on the tree instead of it being a display of true love."

Bonnie sighed. "I can't believe I'm not going to be here for Christmas."

"Well," Elena started, "maybe you'll meet a cute surfer."

Caroline's sigh was the opposite of Bonnie's. "Cute surfer? Yes!"

"Doubtful. My dad's conference is two hours away from any beach."

"No, you know what," Abigail said, "I'm going to ask Mom and Dad if she can spend the holiday with us."

A relieved laugh passed Bonnie's lips. "Are you serious?"

She nodded. "We have never spent Christmas apart, 2007 will not be the first one. Even though Jeremy will hate it."

Elena's smile grew wide. "Well, it's always fun to torture him."

"Oh! I love you guys!" Bonnie wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders. "Almost as much as I love torturing Jeremy."

Caroline's expression did not match the enthusiasm of her words, "Okay, great! Now that Christmas is saved, let's get these garlands on the tree."

"I can't believe I can't help decorate the town tree and drink hot chocolate with my friends." Abigail looked from her and Alaric's Christmas tree back to the book covered coffee table between her and Damon. "What was it like? The first Mystic Falls tree decorating ceremony?"

"Long. And definitely not like whatever you've got brewing in your head." His attention was moved back to her, but from the French doors Alaric had barricaded himself behind rather than the Christmas decorations. "It still beats living May 10, 1994, over and over again."

She couldn't stop herself from asking, "Why did you think it was your own personal hell?"

"Because May 10, 1994, I had a day. I was mad at Stefan for something. I don't even remember what it was, and in typical Damon fashion, I acted out. People died. A lot of them. So many that the Council was reconvened. And believe it or not, ever since that day, I've felt horribly guilty. So, I thought that it was my hell, Abigail. But you know who didn't? Bonnie. She had hope for both of us. She's the reason I survived, the reason I made it out. Who knew? Turns out if you spend time with someone and don't kill them, you actually become friends." He looked down at the open book in front of him. "Can we get back to this, please?"

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