5; The Principia

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C H A P T E R 5

The Principia

"What kind of book are you bringing again this time, Namjoon?" Seokjin, one of a third-year students, exasperatedly asked the boy that was seated just next to him. "Can you just focus on your lunch for once? You already study every single time."

"Just let him be, Jin," Yoongi said, bored, "until his stomach calls him to stop stuffing his nerdy face inside those books."

True to his words, Namjoon's stomach let out a grumbling sound, much to the owner's embarrassment. He was used to his hyung's bluntness that he could still keep his expression stoic, but he would always defend his books because he believed that knowledge had always come first from everything.

"I have to finish reading Newton's Principia Mathematica before I can start with my other books," Namjoon said to Jin, completely ignoring his elder brother. "It's a very important book to read in science world, and I feel like if I haven't read it, then reading other books wouldn't be complete. Because you see, it's Newton's principle! And we can see how he saw--"

Namjoon's words were cut off when a slice of seasoned beef was forcefully spooned inside his mouth by Seokjin who could only sigh in defeat by his boyfriend's nerdiness. "Yeah, yeah, I understand. You can read your precious books after eating."

"Joon-ah, have you forgotten that we're still in high school?" Hoseok said, laughing. "I know you're eager, but we won't even have to study that until we're in uni."

"Yeah, chillax, Namjoon hyung," the youngest prince, Jeongguk, said along.

Namjoon only huffed in retaliation but continued to eat his lunch under the scrutiny of Seokjin. The reason why Seokjin was so cautious was because Namjoon had tendencies in overworking himself when an idea or curiosity was planned in his head. he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied even if it was to eat or rest. One time, the second prince came to lunch in the verge of fainting because he spent two days reading The Principles of Quantum Physics.

Suddenly a boy came barging to their table, putting his lunch tray a bit louder than it supposed to be, and sat himself in an annoyed huff.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "well, hello, finally gracing us with your presence."

"Shut up, hyung," Jimin exclaimed angrily, narrowing his eyes on the eldest prince.

"You've been coming to lunch late lately, Chim. What's up?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"I've been searching for a friend," Jimin said, sadly. "It's been a week since he came to have lunch and lately, he just looks sad and bothered. I tried to talk to him during class, but he seems to be adamant on distancing himself."

"Oh, Jimin... Maybe you should wait a bit more. I'm sure he'll come around when he's ready to talk to you," Jin offered, sympathetically.

"Or maybe he really doesn't wanna talk to you," Yoongi said nonchalantly.

"Ugh, once again, shut up, grandpa hyung," Jimin grunted.

"What's the kid's name, anyway?" Hoseok asked, inquisitive and in the mood of gossip.

"Taehyung. He's in the same year of mine. We get biology and chemistry together. Do you know him, Guk?"

Jeongguk squinted his eyes as he tried to remember. "Nah, don't think I remember his name in any of my class."

"Wait, you mean Park Taehyung, brother of Park Hyungsik?" Hoseok asked in surprise, hoping that Jimin's friend wasn't the one he knew.

"Uh, yeah?" Jimin felt uneasy by looking at Hoseok's expression. "But I don't know if he is Hyungsik sunbae's brother..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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