1; The Society

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C H A P T E R 1

The Society

It was the smell that began to drive Taehyung slightly mad. Not the loud sound of cackle, wail, and yell that resonated around the house. Not the cracking bones of his on his stiff shoulders and legs. Not the dry throat because of him overusing it. No, he still had more patience than what most people would expect him to have. He had been running through the house he was working as a caregiver just to make the kids have a few bites of their lunch they did not like. Seriously, these kids never knew how to be grateful because if Taehyung were them, he would probably eat three bowls of that complete package of expensive food the family could earn as daily meals. Ignoring his empty stomach and exhaustion, Taehyung succeeded on catching up to the twins and fed each one of them a bite whilst being glared at.

See? It wasn't something Taehyung couldn't handle. But it was still hard to ignore the overpowering smell of alpha that lingered on his surroundings. The smell had a tint of distaste and disgust, it made Taehyung wanted to cower a bit. The reason why the smell was apparent was clear.

It seemed like the father of the kids Taehyung took care of was home. He was one of those alphas that despised omegas like Taehyung. That alpha was the only hindrance that put him off of this work. On the contrary, his wife was a caring kind beta that employ Taehyung out of her kindness. Taehyung was honestly confused on how that woman could end up with her husband, because if it was not because of that alpha, Taehyung would've got more money from those hours of labour working with satanic children of the alpha.

Today was one of the examples. Usually, the beta mom would give Taehyung tips when he received his payment at the end of his shift. A stinking glare and a scoff were what he got along his pay when he bid his farewells to the family. He shrugged off and left the house.

Honestly Taehyung couldn't be more careless about this, not because he was heartless, but because it was already a daily occurrence for him. It hurt to be hated by someone you didn't know, but he was used to it. There were just too many alphas that were too conceited and stupid to be reasonable in this world.

It actually sucked to be living in the society where the concept of superiority could be achieved solely by one's secondary genders. Unfortunately, Omegas were put as the inferior ones because of their physical strength and instinct. Taehyung never once accepted the fact though, as he believed that strength actually came from many forms including minds and emotions. It wasn't like alphas didn't get those ruts that totally erased their human morals and tuned in their animal instincts. It wasn't like all alphas were smart. It wasn't like all alphas were hard-willed. he just didn't understand.

Lucky for Taehyung, the pitter-patter of raindrops had lightened up his mood all the way to his second work place. It was in the middle of autumn, adding the coldness to Taehyung's soft hands which were already numb from the cold. He balled his fists and put them inside his bright red worn out coat, a gift from his mom that he received on his ninth birthday and it had been six years since then.

Immediately, Taehyung found his way in front of a small, cosy flower shop with walls made of wood, creating a comfortable atmosphere around the small shop. 'Singularity' was a moderately sized shop located in the heart of Seoul city, that housed a huge variety of beautiful plants and flowers, enamouring anyone who entered the mini exotic forest. High wooden racks containing many kinds flowers stood beautifully in front of it. A small ding of bells was heard as Taehyung step inside, full excitement pumping through his lithe body, and enthusiastically yelled out, "Good afternoon!"

the bad mood and heavy feelings he felt then just dissipated as soon as he smelled the enticing scent of different flowers, this was the reason why Taehyung felt the best working inside this small shop.

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