2; The Serendipity

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 C H A P T E R  2

The Serendipity

It had been almost five months since the night Taehyung met Myunghwan and since then, the man and his mother had still been going strong. It was frequent now, the man visiting his flat after his mother's work, spending time by talking together joyfully until past midnight when Taehyung no longer could wait for his mother to sleep because of exhaustion.

Taehyung could see how happy his mother had been since ever so he never really got any complaints why such changes on his prior dull, sad life must bother him.

Well, it really didn't usually, but sometimes it just overwhelmed his shy introverted personalities, such as right now: having dinner with Myunghwan's whole family at his opulent house.

Myunghwan had two alpha sons. The eldest, Park Seojoon, was twenty-one years old and was currently in university, studying laws; whilst the youngest was Park Hyungsik, seventeen years old. They almost never presented when Taehyung's mother and he came to the house, much to Myunghwan's peevishness.

Although it was different tonight as Myunghwan had promised to bring his two reluctant kids to finally have dinner together with them. And this was what made Taehyung all nervous and jittery. He had never been good with alphas, especially new, young, and unmated ones because they tended to be wilder and more conceited, always thinking they were better than anyone and held high their egos. Taehyung was very much familiar with young alphas' behaviour and now he just really wished that this time there would be miracle where those alphas could turn out as kind as their father.

He sat himself next to his mother on Myunghwan's dining table, while the latter sat in front of his mother, looking so annoyed as he waited for his sons. The food had been served five minutes ago and it was such a lie if Taehyung didn't drool just by the enticing smell of beef and seafood.

Finally, there was a sound of steps coming from the stairs and then two young men emerged with dashing smiles on their face. They approached the dining table and bowed politely to Taehyung's mother before seating themselves beside their father.

"What have you been doing holed inside your rooms when I'd called you several times? Once brats, always brats," Myunghwan grumbled.

"Don't say that, Myunghwan, they must be busy with their school works," taehyung's mother said kindly.

"No, you're just too kind to understand, Taehee," Myunghwan said. "Now, boys, as you already know, this is the woman I've been seeing for a while, Kim Taehee, and her son, Kim Taehyung. My eldest son is Seojoon and the youngest is Hyungsik."

"it's nice to finally meet you, Taehee-ssi, and Taehyung," Seojoon bowed shortly, smiling so handsomely. "I'm really sorry for postponing our meeting thorough all the dinner where we could already meet way earlier before because of my works given from school."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Seojoon," Taehyung's mother chuckled lightly, clearly impressed by Seojoon's politeness. "There's no need to apologise for it was already in the past. You seem so passionate and smart, Seojoon-ah, I wouldn't want to disturb your study."

"You never disturb my study as I come here very willingly and happily to meet the one who can win my old man's heart after so long," Seojoon smiled charmingly, that was a blow that immediately brightened the tense atmosphere and reddened Taehyung's mother's cheeks. she couldn't help, it was a fact that the young alpha man was just that handsome and charming.

They continued to chat lightly as they ate. Mostly Mr. Park and Ms. Kim who talked more about each other's family to know deeper. Taehyung found that Mr. Park worked for the government as a high-ranked official for many years and was very pleased with his position in the palace, Seojoon went to Seoul National University which was very outstanding and pleasing for the Park family, and Hyungsik was still in his year 3 in the prestigious international high school of Seoul. All in all, the Park family seemed to be a very impressive household that spoon Mrs. Kim off her feet.

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