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Johnny, Cherry, Marcia, and I left the theatre and began walking. Two-bit was with us too. "H-hey, I'm sorry again. I don't know what was wrong with her, she's usually not like that." I say.

"Grace did that?" Two-bit asked.

I shook my head at him.

"Well that's totally like her, especially if Cherry pissed her off." Two-bit replied.

"I didn't do anything to her. She started it! That bitch!" Cherry said angrily.

"She's far from a bitch! So shut your trap, you Soc!" Johnny exclaimed.

Just because Johnny and Grace didn't really talk, didn't mean they weren't close. They were practically brother and sister. They understood each other, and they only talked about their parents. They were very protective of each other. They just didn't show the rest of the gang.

"What's your problem?" I ask Johnny.

"You're gonna let this Soc talk about Grace that way? You know her way better than any Soc! You messed up tonight..." Johnny says walking a few distances ahead of us.

We all got stopped by bright lights. We saw Bob get out of the car stumbling. He had a beer bottle in his hand. He was clearly drunk. The rest of the Soc's in the car got out. Two-bit broke his beer bottle and handed it to me as he quickly took out his blade. Johnny stepped back a bit, he was scared since he recent beat up with the Soc's.

"W-wha... why you hanging out with t-these greasers?! W- I drink a l-little and now you.. you.. y-you're hanging out with them?!" Bob shouts at Cherry.

"A little?! A little?! You call passing out in the streets a little?! You know I hate riding with you when you're drunk!" Cherry yells.

"That doesn't excuse why you're wearing a greasers jacket!" he yells!

Cherry slips it off and hands it to me, and I put on me. "Oh, you're the punk who gave your jacket to my girl!?" he asks pinning me to the fence.

I push him off of me and we push and punch for a bit till we stop at the sound of Cherry's voice. "Stop it! Stop it, alright! I'll go with you, just stop fighting! I hate fights!" Cherry yells.

"I can take him!" I exclaim.

"No! I hate fights, I hate em. Just come over here for a sec." She says pulling me away from everyone.

"Uh... I-I'm sorry. I have to go... look, if I see you at school and I don't say anything, don't take it personally. It's just..." she says.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I reply.


I was sitting at the lot on the beat up couch, I wasn't ready to go home for some reason. I jump up to the sound of two voices. "So this is where you ran off to?" Johnny asks.

"You looking for me?" I ask smirking.

"Definitely not. My parents are at it again." he replies.

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