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Dally showed up at the hospital. "What's wrong?" he asked walking to my side.

"I-I don't know, I just needed you here." I said.

He pulled me up and hugged me. "I'm right here, kid." he said.

He reeked of alcohol. I wanted to say something but I already made him feel bad enough. I wrapped my arms around him. "Go back to sleep, it's 1:40 in the morning." he said rubbing my head.

I layed back down on Ponyboy and Dally sat on the ground propped up on my bed. Ponyboy was asleep but I felt him but his arm around me.

"Am I allowed to leave yet? This place is creepy, and gives me memories I don't want to remember." I asked Dally.

"Calm down, I just woke up." Dally said.

He was back to his usual Dally self. Last night was all the care I was gonna get out of him. Darry, Soda, and Two-bit had left. Ponyboy was still asleep, I tried not to wake him. Dally walked out of the room to sign my release papers. As soon his walked out, I felt a hand on my waist. "Well good morning to you too." I said.

Ponyboy smiles and pulls me into a kiss. I could get use to kissing him every morning. "You free to go?" Ponyboy asks.

"Dally's signing the release papers as we speak." I say getting out of the bed.

"Whatcha doing?" Ponyboy asks.

"Changing. I don't wanna stay in here any longer than I have to." I say grabbing my clothes out of the plastic bag they put them in.

Ponyboy nods his head. I slipped out of the hospital gown and felt hands sliding around my waist. Ponyboy had gotten up. He started to lay kisses on my neck, until Dally walked in. "Get your hands off my kid sister!" he yelled.

Ponyboy looked so scared, it seemed like he was about to pee his pants. I began laughing. Ponyboy started to walk out but I grabbed his hand. "You can stay." I said.

"No he can't." Dally said.

Ponyboy began looking back and fourth at me and Dally. I had a smile on my face while Dally had a angry look on his. Then Steve walked through the door. "Well now you're putting a show on for everybody." Dally said.

I laugh. "Nothing the two haven't seen before." I say.

Dally looked like he was about to throw up. "Uh, actually I haven't seen this before. I'm very intrigued though." Ponyboy interrupts.

Dally was about to lose his mind. "Dally go get me some new clothes, please." I say putting the hostels gown back on.

"What's wrong with those?" he asks.

"Those are the clothes I wore when Johnny died. I'm not wearing them anymore." I say sitting back on the bed.

"We can't afford for you to just throw away clothes, Grace." he says.

"I'm not wearing them!" I yell.

Everyone looks around the room. "Get her a pair of my clothes. I got a light blue shirt and some black sweats that don't fit me anymore." Ponyboy says.

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