Part 1- To The Past

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*This story starts off in the future where Hinny is married and are also 19 and 20, they have been married for a few months and living in Potter Manor*

*They are about to go to the ministry for a reunion for the fall of Voldy*

Harry- Wow Gin... you look beautiful...

Ginny- Thank you love and all I have to say is you look finneee (I laughed at how she said that to her husband😂)

Harry- Thank you *he laughs* let's go

*They get to the ministry and people congratulate them for the marriage because they haven't had a chance to do that yet and they say thank you, after a few minutes of talking to people and death eaters show up and attacking the building, they soon corner the Potters in a room and Pansy and Nott step out and attack them*

Pansy- Avada Kedavra!

*Harry and Ginny roll out of the way but are immediately stunned and pushed into the water to drown, little do they know it is a pool that it was a prototype to give them a soul bond and travel to the past*

Pansy- Good riddance, come husband let's celebrate the death of the Potters

Nott- Yes I think we should do that

*Soon Harry and Ginny wake up in their old houses and not together and start freaking out, Harry is sadly in the old cupboard and Ginny is back in her old bedroom*

Harry- Oh no no no, I'm back in the cupboard...

*Ginny hears him*

Ginny- Harry? Love? What happened? Why am I back in my old room? I want to be next to youuu

Harry- Me too love, me too... it seems we got sent back in time but kept our minds in tact...

*Ginny shrieks seeing her almost 10 year old self

Ginny- Harry I need you

Harry- Me too

*All of a sudden Harry teleports to Ginny in their room and they scream, Molly then rushes into her daughters room and points her wand at Harry*

Molly- Who are you! How did you get here!

Harry- I don't know... my name is Harry Potter, I guess I just randomly transported here...

Molly- Guess I'll have to contact Dumbledore now...

*Hinny sneers secretly at the mention of the headmaster*

Harry- Ok *he sighs*

*As molly leaves Ginny gives him a kiss to show how much she missed him even though they just saw each other the last time they were awake*

Harry- What was that for?

Ginny- Hey! I just woke up in my old room, in my old bed and without my loving husband next to me, I have a right to freak out and be able to kiss you because I missed you

Harry- That's true deer

Ginny- Deer? It's dear love

Harry- I know, I just wanted to do one of those pins my dad and his group did for fun

Ginny- Maybe since we got sent to the past maybe we can find a way to get your parents back

Harry- I'd love that! But that will have to wait

Ginny- Yeah it will

Here is the end of the chapter, for the sneering part I will talk about that eventually

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