Part 4- Students From The Past

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*During the day Hinny fell asleep on the couch together and are soon woken up by the sound of some people entering the room, they all looked a bit older than them, one looked just like an older Harry but with brown eyes, one looked like a redhead with Harry's green eyes, one had a scar on his face and sandy hair, another had long black hair and grey eyes and the last had blonde hair, Harry and wake up and instantly stare at them*

Lily- God James! Why did you have to break the time turner you insufferable toe rag!

James- Sorry Lils I tripped, I mean we all were crowding around it and I accidentally fell and broke it

Lily- Whatever... now we have to find a way to get back home, we could be years into the future

Harry- What the f-

Ginny- HARRY JAMES POTTER! Watch your mouth!

Harry- Sorry dear

James- Dear? No buddy it's deer, can't even get the pun right

Lily- James not the time! Wait... you look just like James, and you have... my eyes...

Harry- That's because you guys are my parents in the future which reminds me, so are we

Sirius- Wait, how are you guys from the future and how can you tell? For all you know we could be death eaters

Harry- We are from the future. We are really 19 and 20 but are in our almost 11 and 10 bodies

Marauders, Lily and Marls- Wicked!

Ginny- Plus I guess we can read auras, we have a soul bond

Lily- But there hasn't been one for hundreds if not thousands of years...

Harry- Yeah, that's what we were told by the founders and Merlin when they came to visit

Marauders, Lily and Marls- What!

Hinny- Yeah, that's how we met

Ginny- Merlin casted a spell on our relatives thinking that we were still at our houses and he brought us to the past to train and also help build hogwarts

Lily- Wait... I read somewhere in the restricted section, how did we not notice, you guys were with me, it said in a book that nobody reads about Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley helped build hogwarts... MY FUTURE SON HELPED BUILD HOGWARTS

Marauders and Marls- Guess we forgot too...

Harry- I'm also Ravenclaws and Gryffindors heir because they're married and Merlins, slytherins and hufflepuffs chosen heir so that makes me the heir of hogwarts

Jily- Oh. My. God...

*They end up telling each other about their time at Hogwarts and hinny tells them theirs before the time travel*

I wanted Jily and Marlene to be alive sometime during the story, mostly for Sirius for Marlene and so I wanted this to be the start before they become their adult selves

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