Chapter 58: His Home

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Before you read this chapter, here's where I want you to envision! Gasparro is KILLED. He is dead AF (RIP a bitch ttyl), and Fico won that battle. He WON! He finally avenged his father, and he doesn't have to worry about that sicko anymore. And as far as Vincent, Robert, and Maria go, for now just imagine these characters are not existing because they need some #FIXINGUP in the next draft LOL. I imagine Scarlett has helped Ferro finally heal over the loss of his brother. This needs to be concluded for this story to properly end in my mind and it should have happened in this plot.

P.S - Check my announcement at the end of this chapter for an extra special surprise. ;)


"BRAAAAIIIINS!" I moaned like a zombie, holding my arms out with a moving box with a dramatic Frankenstein walk.

Behind me, holding only a potted cactus, Samantha cackled with laughter. "You are so weird."

"I'm not weird, the rest of the world is just a snore."

"Is it break time yet?" Sam moaned.

"Yep!" I threw open the large walk-in pantry in the kitchen, my new walk-in pantry, and grabbed the only item inside off the shelf. A bakery bag filled with cannoli that I was hiding from the Italian thieves currently walking in and out of my apartment. But it was break time, and I was starved from all this exertion.

"I smell sugar," Samantha said, as if she could smell the cannoli like a bloodhound from across the kitchen. Before I could pull the bag away, she peered inside and licked her lips like a predator. "Yum, cannoli. Did you get ones with chocolate chips?"

"Yes, but you can only have––" She snatched the whole bag from my hand. "One!" I finished in a shout.

"Ooooh," Sam said, already chomping one down. "No, these are bad. The might be toxic. I should take these for inspection and make sure they're safe..."

I moved into Sam's path. "Hand over the cannoli and nobody will get hurt," I whispered with violence in my eyes.

She munched down another bite of the cannoli in her hand and handed the bag over with a scowl. "I'm telling Ferro you bullied a pregnant woman!"

"Ah, go tell it to the marines!"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Have you been reading that old expressions and idiom book Ferro gave you for your birthday?"

"Fiddledeedee that's a bunch of hogswallop!"

"A-what-dee a who-a-hog?"

"You can't pluck feathers off a bald chicken, Sam."

"I'm just going to ignore you and have my daily five minute dread session about how I'm going to shit and pee probably simultaneously while giving birth."

"What's that got to do with the price of onions?"

"FERRO!" Sam shouted over her shoulder. "Come fix Scarlett, your idiom book broke her!"

"He can't hear you," I said with a sinister expression. "Nobody can hear you here, my dear!" I came toward her like a zombie and Sam feigned a scream. Walking around her, I picked up another box to open. "Ferro's working on some project in the bedroom with the door closed and his earbuds on. Real focused, male-meditation-like shit."

"What's he working on?"

"I have no idea. He's been so sneaky about it that he got up early to get here first."

"Mhm." Sam made a face. "Five bucks says he's in there eating pizza and jerkin' it."

I burst out laughing. "Sam! Everyone knows Ferro's got a high libido, but not that bad. He's working on a project. I pressed my ear against the door earlier and heard a ton of banging and frustrated curse words."

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