33) Leonardo DiCaprio and the Braless Beauty

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This chapter got me feeling some type of way.

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P.S- I wrote the chapter I way I did on purpose. ;))))

*Cue song attached to chapter*

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"Yo!" Ben picked up on the other line. "Long time, no talk! How's my favorite lady-killer? Heard you're coming to the safe house later, eh?"

"You heard right." God, how the hell was I even going to start this off? I needed to call someone and tell someone about what was going on inside of me. Making Scarlett despise me had been one of the hardest moments of my life, especially since it involved her scümbag pretty-boy ex boyfriend. God, I hated that guy and his stupid sweater vests. This is for the better, I kept telling myself.

I couldn't let Scarlett love someone who always had a sniper aimed at his head, and everything needed to lay out perfectly in order for me to be successful in my plans. I left it with Todd exactly how Fico wanted me to leave it the next time I saw the son. I put fear in his eyes. And, I was able to put a thicker wall between Scarlett and I to protect her. Two birds with one stone.

"I miss you, man!" Ben continued lightheartedly. "Robert and I cry every night because you don't live in the estate anymore. Did you even think about us kids when you split up with Momma Fico?"

"Shut the fück up." I managed a small grin. "You'll be seeing a lot more of me, so don't worry." My gaze shifted to Scarlett, who was sound asleep again in the passenger seat. That woman could really sleep through anything. I turned the heated seats on a little higher and she curled up in her seat. I was glad she was asleep, considering the twenty minutes of neither of us talking in the car, once we had left Todd's, had been brutally awkward. "Listen, I need a favor-" I started.

"Would you rather," Ben talked over me, clearly deep in thought, "ram Zac Efron in the ass and get a large raspberry Slurpee and a lengthy cowgirl style sesh with Hilary Rhoda, or reenact that lemon-party picture with all those old men, except with you, Johnny Depp and Leonardo DeCaprio, and in exchange, you get an unlimited supply of BJ's from Kat Von D?"

"What the fück?"

"Don't question it," Ben said. "Just go with your heart's desire."

"The second option?"

Ben chuckled. "That's my boy! Lemon-party was the obvious choice. Don't get me wrong, Hilary Rhoad has great set of melons, but-"

"Ben, I called you for a reason," I interrupted, switching to Italian so that Scarlett couldn't understand what I was saying. Fake sleeping was definitely something she would do. I shifted my gaze to Scarlett again, who was now slightly snoring. Alright, maybe she wasn't faking. I found the little snoring noise cute, but quickly tore my gaze away from her. No. "I'd like to keep what I'm about to say between you and me. A secret. As in, don't tell anyone, or I swear to God I will cut you into little pieces. Swear to me that you won't tell anyone."

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