Bonus Chapter Part 1: Roar

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CALLING ALL KEETIES: Omertà is 60,000K BELOW first place in the Watty's and the voting ends September 1st, 12:01 AM, Eastern Time! Even if it's already the 31st where you are, it still counts until it's 12:01 HERE! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE start retweeting and tweeting!! 


Omertà needs you!!

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I'd woken up that day absolutely disgusted with myself, and that hadn't happened in a while. Maybe it was because of the fact that there was a beautiful sleeping woman lying on top of me, but all I could fully concentrate on was my throbbing headache, and the stench of tequila seeping out from my pores.

Scarlett stirred in her sleep, shifting her cheek on my right pec. She was so peaceful and in her sleep, and the more I looked at her, the worse I felt about my clear misbehavior the night before. I could taste it in my mouth how drunk I'd gotten, and when I concentrated hard, I remembered bits of memories from the night before, like flashes of images before my eyes. And I didn't like what I'd seen.

I watched Scarlett sleep for a moment, fighting the heavy urge to fall in sync with her deep breaths and fall back to sleep. The warm bloom of heat between Scarlett's legs cradled my unbearable case of morning wood, and I let it happen because I deserved the punishment. I deserved worse.

I piece of her golden red hair fell into her eyes as she slept. I pushed it back between her ear and rubbed her back for a while. God, she was so beautiful...

And I was so...disgusting.

Somehow, I woke myself up and carefully slid my little tiger off of me. When I stood up from the bed, the world tilted a little, and I held my head in my hands as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Light streamed in through a crack in the bedroom and I cursed under my breath. It was the crack of dawn. I wanted to beat the shît out of the sun.

I couldn't think straight. I took a freezing shower to wake myself up and then took another one...and another one...just so that I didn't feel as repulsive as I felt when I'd woken up. After I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, I wiped the fog off the mirror stared at myself in the reflection.

I didn't like what stared back at me. This wasn't me. This was a drained, pale, pathetic excuse for a man. I wanted him gone. I needed him gone. Hating yourself that much couldn't healthy. Scarlett needed him gone, too. She needed him gone the most of all, because she deserved better.

I gripped the sides of the bathroom sink counter and stared down at the drain, squeezing the counter until my knuckles turned white. No. Just the thought of Scarlett with another man touching her body made my skin crawl. I couldn't imagine myself letting it happen because I wouldn't. I'd fücking kill him before his dîck even got a little taste of her wetness.

Scarlett was mine if every sense of the word, and there was nothing she or I could do about it because whatever we were, it was raw and passionate. It was real. She was real, and waiting for me. She'd taken care of me the entire night. She'd stayed.

I needed to take action before she walked away.

I had to get my fücking shît together.

I had to woo the fück out of my woman.

On impulse, I quickly searched through the drawers in the bathroom until I got lucky and found a men's razor. I lathered my short–but longer than usual beard with shaving cream and went at it. I hadn't shaved completely in a long time, and I'll be honest, my heart was racing a little. What if this looked horrible? What if she didn't like it? My hair grew back fast...

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