2. A Single Man, In Possession of Four Children...

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Chapter Two:

A Single Man, in Possession of Four Children, Must Be In Want of a Wife


Two years later:


"Harriet, let go! That's my doll!"

"Is, not!"

"Is, too!"

"Is, not!"

"Girls!" Clara declared, no longer able to handle her sisters' bickering. "If you can't share the doll, then I will have to take it away from both of you!" Two teary-eyed pouts greeted her words.

"But Clare-"

"No, Harriet, you are almost nine now, and Amelia, you are almost five! I know I've taught you to share, I can remember teaching you about it. I can also remember you saying you understood and then demonstrating how one shared with another. Are you telling me that we have to go through the lesson again?"

Harriet and Amelia exchanged identical looks of panic and Clara held back a smile, just managing to not let it rise to her face. They were both so predictable. Clara, upon beginning to teach both of her sisters over two years ago, learned very quickly how stubborn both girls were.

Oh, she'd known before, but to be witness to it up close was an entirely different matter.

It was not, however, that they didn't want to learn, they just didn't want anyone to tell them to learn. This caused many problems for Clara before she figured out how to provide a balance of fun and learning for her sisters. After that, everything went much better.

Looking at her sisters from where she stood cutting up vegetables for lunch, Clara had a feeling that even though she told them to share and play nice, they'd probably start bickering again soon. She sighed. That meant there was one answer to the problem; they'd have to help her.

"Girls, would you like to help me?" Both of their auburn-haired heads- the color no doubt came from their mother- whipped up in surprise from where they sat on the floor near the kitchen table.

"Yes!" They both exclaimed, jumping up from the ground and abandoning their dolls in the process. Clara had to wonder if that had been a good idea after all. It would be fine, right?

"What are you making, Clary?" Harriet asked, her small form vibrating with her excitement.

"I'm getting lunch ready. Why don't both of you help me put the cheese and the meat on the sandwiches, does that sound good?" Both of the girls nodded, and as Clara watched them set to work she found the slight flaw in her plan; neither could reach the counter well.

Clara grimaced. She probably should've given the matter a little more thought. She just didn't want to have to deal with any more arguing, she had enough work as it was. However, she was saved further thought on the matter when a throat cleared behind her, getting her attention as well as her sisters'.

"Miss Clara, your father is requesting your presence in his study," Mrs. Landon, the housekeeper, said, her wrinkled, pudgy hands twisting and turning the fabric of her apron as she spoke.

"Can you tell him I'll be right there? Harriet and Amelia were going to help me get lunch together," Clara responded, throwing a glance at her sisters who watched the conversation with clear curiosity.

"I'm afraid not, Miss Clara. He says it's urgent," Mrs. Landon continued, looking at Clara in apology. "Sorry, dear."

"It's alright, Mrs. Landon. Would you mind taking over the lunch preparation? I'm sure Harriet and Amelia would love to help you," Clara said, hanging up her own apron on a nail as she watched her sisters' shoulders slump and Mrs. Landon's cheery expression turn to one of wariness.

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