15. Glass Slippers

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Chapter Fifteen:

Glass Slippers


The coach rounded the last turn and Clara could see the lights of the palace ahead of them. She couldn't contain a gasp as she unashamedly gawked at the home of the royal family. It was grand in every meaning of the word, both large and impressive. Golden spires seemed to split the sky in two, while extensive gardens covered every inch of the grounds that sprawled out around the white-walled palace.

The statues of angels and women with instruments seemed to watch as the coach started to slow down, and Clara's stomach began to do flips in anticipation. What if she fell down the stairs, or stepped on someone's toes? What if she made an utter fool of herself?

The coach came to a complete stop, and one of the coachmen had opened the door, but Clara still sat there paralyzed. Taking a shuddering breath, she put her one of her feet out of the coach and onto the ground. Stepping out of the coach she was about to say something, perhaps a thank you, when the coachman hopped back onto his perch and gave a flick of the reins, leaving her standing alone at the foot of the palace stairs.

So much for a team effort, Clara thought to herself, before starting to make her way up the many steps to the palace.

After what had seemed like an endless journey, she finally reached the top and the doormen opened the doors for her. Walking into the palace, Clara felt she was in some sort of beautiful daydream. Every wall was adorned with what were probably expensive paintings and every nook and cranny held statues or figurines.

She didn't want to think about how just one painting would probably be enough to pay for a physician for James as well as a new house, a carriage, and several weeks worth of food.

Moving past it all, she reached the doors to what she assumed was the ballroom. The strains of music filtered through the doors and she gulped before nodding to the doormen to open the doors for her.

Her heart was in her mouth as she shakily walked into the ballroom at the top of the stairs leading to the dancefloor.

She had figured a few eyes would be on her, but she hadn't counted on the entire ballroom full of people turning to look at her, even the dancing couples, as the music stumbled to a stop. She stilled, trying to not to let her fear turn her into stone or a fumbling mess.

She gazed out at the crowd of people as she began to descend the stairs. However, as she made her way further down the stairs, it seemed that the initial shock had worn off and every couple was back to dancing as the music began again. She still had a few eyes on her, but not nearly as many as before.

Once she had reached the foot of the stairs, she turned her head, sweeping her gaze across the room. What was she supposed to do? She moved awkwardly towards one of the edges of the room, avoiding the eyes of everyone she passed. Why did she think she could do this? She could barely converse at the dinner party two years ago, how was she supposed to be able to handle a whole ballroom of people?

She was just rounding one of the pillars when she ran into someone else, jumping back with a gasp as the other person gave a gasp of pain. Standing back, Clara saw that the person she had run into was a light-brown haired man who was currently leaning against the pillar, holding one of his feet in both hands as a curly haired behind him tried to contain his laughter.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" She said hurriedly, not knowing what to do. Should she offer to get him some ice? However, his friend beat her to it.

Glass Slippers [1st Draft]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang